D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B2010
The District of Columbia government shall provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) designed to address many personal challenges faced by employees.
The Director of the D.C. Department of Human Resources (DCHR Director) shall administer the EAP.
The EAP shall provide counseling and assistance to employees who are experiencing problems that may adversely affect work performance or conduct on the job including, but not limited to, the following:
The EAP shall consist of assessment, counseling, and referral services.
Any employee (excluding temporary employees) shall be eligible to receive services through the EAP.
Supervisors and managers should encourage an employee who is experiencing challenges that adversely affect his or her work performance or conduct on the job to voluntarily seek assistance through the EAP.
If an employee refuses or fails to voluntarily seek assistance through EAP, managers and supervisors can require the employee to report to the EAP when the employee is experiencing challenges that adversely affect his or her work performance or conduct on the job.
Participation in the EAP does not prevent management from taking appropriate corrective, adverse, or other administrative action in situations where such action is warranted.
Involvement in the EAP shall be on the basis of self-referral or agency referral.
Up to two (2) hours of administrative leave may be granted to an employee to attend his or her initial EAP appointment.
The services of the EAP shall be provided through contracted health care service provider(s).
The cost of the initial session with the EAP contractor, which includes assessment, counseling, and referral services shall be paid in full by the District government to the extent that the session is not covered by the employee's health insurance carrier.
DCHR may enter into a written agreement with another personnel authority to provide EAP services administered by the DCHR Director to employees of the other personnel authority.
Each subordinate agency and independent personnel authority that participates in the EAP administered by DCHR shall designate an EAP coordinator.
DCHR may authorize the establishment of other employee assistance programs for the District of Columbia government, provided such programs are consistent with this section
Unless a separate program is established pursuant to the provisions of § 2010.15,agencies under the personnel authority of the Mayor must participate in the EAP administered by the DCHR Director.
Records and information on referral to or participation in the EAP shall be maintained in confidence as provided in Chapter 31 and any other applicable federal and District of Columbia laws and regulations.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B2010