D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B1155
An employee as described in section 1155.1 of this section shall not be required to be released from active duty before making application for and receiving the pay differential. However, if the employee has not been released from active duty when he or she makes application for the pay differential, the employee shall provide all documentation required in section 1155.9 of this section, except that in lieu of providing a copy of the military orders releasing the employee from active duty, the employee shall provide a letter from his or her commanding officer attesting to the fact that the employee, as of the date of application for the pay differential, is still in an active duty status.
A pay differential received pursuant to this section shall not be considered basic pay for any purpose.
Any eligible employee, upon making application for the pay differential and upon approval of the application by his or her department or agency head, shall receive a pay differential that equals the difference between the employee's District government basic pay reduced by the employee's basic military pay.
The estate of any eligible employee who has been killed while in active duty or who is missing in action as a result of active duty shall be eligible to collect any pay differential to which the employee would have been entitled upon making application on behalf of the employee and upon approval of the application by the employee's department or agency head.
The period of entitlement to the pay differential shall not exceed:
The pay differential shall not be payable for any period following the employee's release from active duty and the employee's return to his or her District government position.
The pay differential shall not be payable for any days for which the employee received pay by reason of any annual leave, military leave, compensatory time, or any other form of paid leave taken by the employee.
In making application for the pay differential, the employee shall:
A pay differential under this section shall be paid by the agency that last employed the eligible employee before the employee was ordered to active duty as specified in section 1155.1 of this section, out of the agency's funds or appropriations then currently available for salaries and expenses.
Active duty - full-time duty in the active military service of the United States for the Operation Enduring Freedom conflict, or, in preparation for, or, for the Operation Iraqi Freedom conflict.
Armed forces - has the meaning prescribed in 10 U.S.C. § 101(a)(4).
Basic military pay - the basic pay under 37 U.S.C. § 204.
Basic pay - the employee's scheduled rate of pay plus any additional pay that is defined as basic pay for annuity computation purposes in the retirement system in which the employee is a participant.
Employee - any full-time permanent, indefinite, or term employee who serves in a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces and who has been called to active duty as a result of the Operation Enduring Freedom conflict, or in preparation for, or as a result of the Operation Iraqi Freedom conflict.
Operation Enduring Freedom - the period encompassed within Executive Order 13223 Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty and Delegating Certain Authorities to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation, effective September 14, 2001, and amended by Amendment to Executive Order 13223, effective January 16, 2002 and ending on the date the employee is released from active duty occasioned by Operation Enduring Freedom.
Operation Iraqi Freedom - the period encompassed within the Joint Resolution entitled Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002, approved October 16, 2002 ( P.L. 107-243) and ending on the date the employee is released from active duty occasioned by Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Reserve component - has the meaning prescribed in 37 U.S.C. § 101(24).
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B1155