D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-A1001
The Board shall investigate all ceases clearly and justly any one of the members shall ask questions as may suggest themselves to the charge as specific looking to that end and require a positive and direct answer thereto.
The trial board shall forward to the Chief of Police its findings and recommendations, together with the papers in each case, and at the same time shall notify the accused of its finding, and the fact that the notification has been sent shall be included in the report of the board.
The findings of a trial board shall be final and conclusive unless an appeal is taken therefrom in writing to the Mayor within five (5) days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, after notice is sent.
If an appeal is taken, a copy of the findings, all records, and a complete transcript of the hearing shall be forwarded to the Mayor within sixty (60) days after notice of findings is sent.
Upon receipt of the trial board's finding and recommendations, and no appeal to the Mayor has been made, the Chief of Police may either confirm the finding and impose the penalty recommended, reduce the penalty, or may declare the board's proceedings void and refer the case to another regularly appointed trial board.
The fact that a member of the force has been charged with and is awaiting trial for a criminal offense involving matters prima facie prejudicial to the reputation and good order of the force, in this or any other jurisdiction, shall not be a bar to his or her immediate trial by a police trial board.
Three convictions before trial boards or any summary hearing as authorized by the Mayor, or both, within a period of twelve (12) months upon charges involving violations of rules and regulations of the department shall prima facie evidence of inefficiency. Commanding officers shall, upon the third conviction within a period of twelve (12) months of any member of the their command, either submit a report recommending to the Chief of Police that the officer be cited before a police trial board for inefficiency, or submit a report giving the reasons why the officer should not be cited on the charge of inefficiency.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-A1001