D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-E2310
As an element in the ongoing assessment and evaluation of the instructional program and student achievement, the Superintendent shall establish and implement a city-wide testing program, which shall be approved annually by the Board of Education.
The city-wide testing program shall include all tests which are administered on a city-wide basis and published annually in a city-wide testing schedule.
The following tests and testing programs shall not be included in the city-wide testing program:
The city-wide testing program shall be used in conjunction with the competency-based curriculum by providing one hundred percent (100%) testing with either norm-referenced or criterion-referenced tests at those age or grade levels where diagnosis and evaluation will measure and aid student achievement most appropriately and usefully, as determined by the Superintendent and approved by the Board of Education as part of the annual city-wide testing program.
All kindergarten students and all students enrolling in the Public Schools for the first time at the first (1st) grade level shall be assessed at the beginning of the school year.
The Superintendent of Schools may establish guidelines for the assessment of students enrolling in the Public Schools for the first time at a level beyond first grade.
All testing programs, whether or not a part of the city-wide testing program, shall include staff development and training requirements for all instructional staff members in the understanding and use of all tests being administered, including individualized testing, instructional program planning based on appropriate test results, and the explanation of tests and test results to parents and guardians.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-E2310