D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-E2300
Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 5-E2300 - COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM2300.1The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for the development and implementation of a curriculum for the D.C. Public Schools that is designed to promote the attainment of the knowledge, competencies, and skills which will enable each student to function as a useful citizen.
2300.2In developing and implementing a competency-based curriculum, the Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for the establishment of instructional program priorities through a continuous process of assessment and evaluation of the educational needs of the students of the Public Schools.
2300.3The competency-based program shall include the following critical elements:
(a) The use of clear, demonstrable, observable goals as the basis for organizing the instructional program;(b) The use of these goals as the basis for the establishment of criteria for program advancement and graduation;(c) The use of these goals and criteria as the basis for the development and implementation of valid and reliable performance indicators;(d) The allowance of multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their progress in meeting specific instructional goals, including constructive feedback and support to assist the student to meet the required goals;(e) The provision of a system for recording and reporting student progress which is based on the goals, criteria, and indicators as set forth in this section; and(f) The provision of a system of instruction consistent with the styles, rates, needs, and stages of individual student learning and performance.2300.4The process of needs assessment and evaluation shall be a continuing process and shall be included in the ongoing program of monitoring and evaluation of the competency-based program.
2300.5The design for the competency based curriculum, and the instructional program implemented on the basis of that design, shall include the following components:
(a) Instruction that is responsive to student progress and evaluation;(b) A reporting system based on progress in terms of goal mastery;(d) Instructional materials, supplies, and equipment selection criteria;(e) Models for implementation on a system-wide, regional, and local school basis;(f) A plan for community involvement;(g) Systems for budget and management planning, control, audit, monitoring, and evaluation; and(h) A system of public accountability through the reporting of the goals, objectives, plans, procedures, and priorities of the instructional program, and the reporting of the results of ongoing assessment and evaluation of the instructional program.D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-E2300
Final Rulemaking published at 24 DCR 3533, 3538-39 (November 4, 1977) Authority: § 2 of An Act, approved June 20, 1906 (34 Stat. 317, Ch.3446; D.C. Official Code § 38-102 (2001 ed.)).