In accordance with D.C. Official Code § 46-101 and the IDEA, all rights accorded to parents under IDEA and local law governing the delivery of special education and related services shall transfer to the child with a disability at the age of eighteen (18), unless one (1) of the following exceptions is met:
An adult student who has executed a power of attorney or similar legal document transferring his or her right to make educational decisions to another to be his or her agent in accordance with Section 3036.1(b) may terminate the power of attorney at any time and assume the right to make decisions regarding his or her education. An LEA or responsible public agency shall keep a copy of any written power of attorney in the student's special education record and shall rely on it until the power of attorney has been revoked by the student in writing or the power of attorney has been superseded by a court order.
The SEA shall appoint an educational representative for a student who has reached the age of eighteen (18) only after the following documents have been submitted:
Appointment of an educational representative should be sought only where necessary and where supported decision-making is not appropriate.
The SEA will provide written confirmation that all submission requirements have been met and, absent extenuating circumstances, will appoint an educational representative within ten (10) business days of the SEA's receipt of a complete written request with all required information and certifications. A written request shall not be considered complete unless all requested information has been provided in the required manner.
The professional certifications shall be completed by two (2) different licensed professionals, one (1) meeting the requirements of (a) and one (1) meeting the requirements of (b):
The professional certifications shall meet the following requirements:
A student shall be deemed unable to provide informed consent regarding educational decisions if two (2) qualified professionals each independently determine at least one (1) of the following:
Professional certifications may be submitted as early as ninety (90) calendar days prior to the student's eighteenth birthday but shall not be reviewed by the SEA until all documentation requirements have been met, and shall not take effect prior to the student's eighteenth birthday.
Upon confirming receipt of the required professional certifications, the SEA shall appoint the parent of the student to act as the student's educational representative. For a student who has already reached the age of eighteen (18), parent means the individual who acted as the parent for purposes of special education before the student reached age eighteen (18). If the parent is unavailable or does not wish to serve as the student's educational representative, the SEA, with notice to the parent or legal guardian seeking the certification, shall appoint another adult relative willing to act as the student's educational representative. If no adult relative is available to serve as the student's educational representative, the SEA, with notice to the parent or legal guardian seeking the certification, shall appoint a person trained as an educational surrogate parent to serve as the student's educational representative.
The term of appointment for an educational representative shall expire when the student is no longer eligible for special education services, or graduates with a regular high school diploma, whichever occurs first.
A determination that a student is unable to provide informed consent for educational purposes shall not be construed as a finding of incompetence or incapacity for any other purpose or as relevant or precedential evidence in any future court or legal action seeking to remove decision-making authority for the student.
The SEA shall provide notice of the appointment to the educational representative, parent, student, and LEA or responsible public agency. The notice shall include the steps a student may take to challenge the appointment of an educational representative and shall direct the student's LEA or responsible public agency to deliver a hard copy of the appointment to the student and to inform the student of the appointment verbally, or in the manner of communication with which the student is most comfortable.
The student may challenge the certification of the student as unable to provide informed consent for educational purposes or appointment of an educational representative in accordance with this section at any time, in accordance with the following requirements:
If the certification of a student is challenged by the student, the existing certification is invalidated, and all educational rights transfer back to the student.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-A3036