D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 4, r. 4-428
All oral testimony, argument, rulings, and instructions shall be recorded electronically, or transcribed by a court reporter.
The recording of the proceedings or the transcription by the court reporter, together with all exhibits admitted into evidence, written rulings, and papers issued or accepted by the hearing examiner shall constitute the official and exclusive record of the complaint before the Commission.
The official record shall remain in the custody and control of the Commission at all times.
The Commission shall, upon the request of a party, make the official record available for examination without charge.
Any party may engage the services of a court reporter of its own choosing at its own expense to record the proceedings during the course of the hearing, or the cost may be apportioned according to agreement between the parties.
Any party may assume the expense of transcription of electronic recording after the close of the hearing by a stenographer selected by the Commission, or the cost may be apportioned according to an agreement between the parties. The resulting transcript shall remain in the custody of the Commission, and copies shall be provided to the party or parties assuming the expense.
The hearing examiner may adopt the transcript resulting from the services of a stenographer retained by a party or from the Commission's electronic recording as the official record of the proceedings after all parties have been afforded an opportunity to submit proposed corrections; provided, that the transcript includes the totality of the hearing.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 4, r. 4-428