D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 4, r. 4-1606
An employee shall be entitled to a total of sixteen (16) workweeks of family leave during any twenty-four (24)-month period for:
The entitlement to family leave shall expire twelve (12) months after the birth of the child or placement of the child with the employee.
In the case of care for a family member who has a serious health condition, the family leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule basis when medically necessary.
Upon agreement between the employer and the employee, family leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care or other placement of a child may be taken on a reduced leave schedule, during which the sixteen (16) workweeks of family leave may be taken over a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) consecutive workweeks.
With respect to joint employers, both employers must agree to the reduced schedule in order for the employee to be eligible for the reduced leave schedule.
Nothing in this section shall require an employer to provide paid medical leave.
Should an employee wish to use paid medical, sick, vacation, personal, or compensatory leave which the employee has accrued, the employee may use such paid leave, provided that it otherwise meets the employer's requirements for the taking of such paid leave. Any paid medical, sick, vacation, personal, or compensatory leave provided by an employer that the employee elects to use for family leave under this chapter shall count against the sixteen (16) workweeks of allowable family leave provided pursuant to the DCFMLA.
If an employer has a program that allows an employee to use the paid leave of another employee under certain conditions (commonly referred to as a leave bank), and the conditions for the employee's use of the leave bank have been met, the employee may use the paid leave as family leave and the leave shall count against the sixteen (16) workweeks of family leave provided in this chapter.
If two (2) family members are employees of the same employer:
For the purposes of § 1606.9, the term "same employer" includes an office, division, subdivision, agency, or other organizational section of an employer in which both employees have the same or interrelated duties and the absence of both employees would unduly disrupt the conduct of the employer's business.
The limitation on the aggregate number of family leave workweeks to which the family members are entitled shall apply only if the family members seek to take leave for the same underlying reason, for example, care for the same family member or due to the birth of the same child.
Information that an employee gives to an employer regarding a family relationship, pursuant to which the employee seeks to take family leave under this section, shall be used only to make a decision in regard to the provisions of this chapter. An employer shall keep any information regarding the family relationship confidential.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 4, r. 4-1606