A person who possesses a valid Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ("ABC") GOS endorsement granted pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 25-113.01(e) may own or operate a GOS Machine according to the terms of the endorsement and the issuing Agency.
A GOS Machine with a valid Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration ("ABRA") endorsement ("Legacy Machine") granted pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 25-113.01(e) may be allowed to operate within the District until March 31,2021.
After March 31, 2021, all GOS operated in the District must be licensed and shall be regulated by the Office of Lottery and Gaming ("Office").
Legacy Machine Manufacturers' and Distributors' applicants may continue to operate, service and repair GOS machines upon submitting a complete and accepted GOS application.
A completed and accepted GOS application shall include all requested documents and payment of application fee.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 30, r. 30-2203