D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-408
An action before the Board shall be commenced by the filing of a written complaint which shall be signed and sworn by the complainant and notarized.
Challenges to registrant's qualifications, candidate's qualification, petitions nominating candidates to an elected office or qualifying initiative, referendum, or recall measures shall be construed as an action before the Board and shall also be captioned "complaint."
Challenges to the Board's formulation of the summary statement and short title of a proposed Charter amendment shall be construed as an action before the Board and shall also be captioned "complaint."
The parties to a contested case proceeding before the Board shall be the following:
The Board may designate any other individual or group as an "intervenor," either upon its own initiative or motion filed pursuant to § 414.
The Board may consolidate complaints alleging violations of Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 if they relate to the same actions or events or raise common questions of law or fact.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-408