D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-1008
Two (2) persons representing the proposer(s) and two (2) persons representing any committee(s) registered with the Office of Campaign Finance and organized in opposition to a proposed initiative or referendum measure may be present during the counting and validation procedures and shall be deemed watchers.
To secure the presence of watchers, the proposer, or any committee registered in opposition, shall file a petition for credentials for watchers, within three (3) days from the date the initiative or referendum petition is submitted for filing.
Each petition for credentials shall be on a form furnished by the Board and shall contain the following:
Watchers shall report to the Board's offices no later than the first business day following the submission of the credential petition, at which time the Board shall issue a badge for each authorized watcher, with space for the watcher's name, the serial number of the measure, and the name of the proposer(s) or political committee(s) represented by the watcher.
Board staff shall notify the persons authorized to represent the proposer(s) or the committee(s) of the schedule for the administration of the counting and validation procedures, which may occur after the close of business, on weekends, and on scheduled holidays, and of any amendments to such schedule. Such notice shall include instructions on the time by which watchers must report to the Board's offices in order to observe the process. Watchers who report after the stated time may be denied the opportunity to observe the process on that day.
Badges shall be worn by the authorized watcher at all times when observing the counting and validation process.
An authorized alternate watcher may, in the discretion of the proposer(s) or the political committee(s), be substituted for a watcher at any time during the counting and validation process; provided, that notice is first given to the designated representative of the Board who is present.
No watcher shall at any time during the counting and validation process do the following:
If a watcher has any questions or claims any discrepancy, inaccuracy, or error in the conduct of the procedures, he or she shall direct his or her question or complaint to the Board designee in charge.
Any watcher who, in the judgment of the Board or its designated representative, has failed to comply with any of the rules in this section may be requested to leave the area where the verification process is being conducted, and the watcher's credentials shall be deemed canceled. An authorized alternate watcher may be substituted.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-1008