D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-710
The services described in this section and § 711 shall be available in all day treatment programs.
Nursing services shall be provided for the coordination and implementation of the individual care plan. Health counseling and supervision of maintenance therapy are the major responsibilities of nursing services.
Nutrition services shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 711.
The physician shall supervise the delivery of all required medical services to ensure that needed services are provided by appropriate personnel consistent with each participant's care plan.
Day treatment programs shall provide individual and group activity programs that offer social, recreational, and educational events designed to improve each participant's self-awareness and level of functioning. The interest and therapeutic needs of each individual participant shall be considered in the development of activity programs.
Day treatment programs, under the overall supervision of the registered nurse, shall provide personal care services as necessary, and shall offer training and assistance in the activities of daily living, including accident prevention and use of special aides.
A social worker or other appropriate staff member shall provide individual and group counseling services to participants and their families. Counselors shall offer assistance with personal resources, family and adjustment problems.
If specialized counseling is not available at the time of need in the day treatment program center, the participant or the participant's family shall be referred to appropriate community resources.
Each program shall have an emergency plan that includes written agreements regarding emergency room care, assurance of transportation to a facility providing emergency care, and a written procedure covering immediate care of patient, persons to be notified, and reports to be prepared.
At least one (1) staff member trained in first aid shall be on duty at all times. At minimum, first aid supplies recommended by the Red Cross in Standard First Aid and Personal Safety shall be readily available.
A day treatment program serving the mentally retarded or persons with mental disorders shall also provide restorative, habilitation, or maintenance therapy services.
The provider shall establish and implement an outreach plan designed to reach the appropriate client population and to inform the community at large of the program's services.
The community outreach plan shall include the following:
At a minimum, the provider shall consult with the following, as appropriate:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-710