D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-410
Upon request, the SHPDA staff shall provide technical assistance to applicants relative to the development of grant applications. A pre-application conference shall allow the SHPDA staff to assist the applicant in developing applications which meet federal guidelines, community needs established review criteria, and the state health plan.
The SHPDA evaluation staff and SHCC members may make periodic scheduled visits to health facilities operating programs whose funds are subject to review. Requests for visits shall be made in writing to program heads.
Each request for a visit shall contain a list of the visitors, the purpose of the visit, and specific areas of concern.
Information obtained through site visitations may be used in reviews, and shall become a part of the official agency record.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-410