D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-365
Each child enrolled in a full-day program at a Child Development Facility child development program shall be provided by the Facility with an individual crib or cot, along with a blanket provided either by the child's family or by the Facility.
The Facility shall place cribs and cots at least two (2) feet apart from each other, and at least two (2) feet from all windows and radiators, when in use. This space shall be measured on all sides of each crib or cot.
The Facility shall label each crib or cot with the name of the child to whom it is assigned.
The Facility may only use cribs and cots that meet the standards established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The Facility shall ensure that children do not share bedding.
The Facility shall provide each crib with a firm, fitted mattress, covered with a fitted sheet.
All cots shall have coverings that are easy to clean and nonabsorbent.
The Facility shall ensure that no child sleeps on a bare, uncovered surface.
The Facility shall ensure that seasonally appropriate coverings, such as sheets or blankets that are sufficient to maintain adequate warmth, are available and provided to children as needed.
The Facility shall ensure that pillows are not provided to or used by infants.
The Facility shall ensure that cribs, cots and bedding are kept clean and sanitary at all times.
The Facility shall ensure that a Facility staff member removes each infant from his or her crib for all feedings, and that no infant is fed by means of a propped bottle.
The Facility shall ensure that each infant is allowed to safely and comfortably sit, crawl, toddle, or walk, and to play according to his or her stage of development, in a designated play space apart from the infant's sleeping quarters, during each day.
The Facility shall sufficiently separate cot and crib areas from play space so as to prevent access to sleeping areas by children at play.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-365