D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 28, r. 28-2035
At the Commission's request, the candidate shall confer with the Commission in person and in private on reasonable notice.
At the candidate's request, the Commission shall confer with him or her in person and in private on reasonable notice.
At any conference with the candidate, the Commission may allow attendance by one (1) or more special counsel or others of its staff. The candidate may be accompanied by counsel.
All members of the Commission shall endeavor to be present at any conference with a candidate, but the failure of a member to attend shall not prevent the Commission member from participating in the Commission's evaluation.
If the Commission has information which, if uncontroverted, the Commission feels would raise a substantial doubt that the candidate is at least qualified, it shall inform the candidate of the nature of the questions raised.
To the extent feasible, subject to the limitations of §§ 2004 and 2036, the Commission shall provide to the candidate in summary form the basis for doubt under §§ 2035.5.
Prior to concluding its evaluation, the Commission shall afford the candidate a reasonable opportunity to confer with it, in accordance with the provisions of §§ 2035.1 through 2035.4, regarding the doubt, and to submit to the Commission any material information not previously presented bearing on the candidacy.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 28, r. 28-2035