Each person, firm, or corporation in the District who manufactures, renovates, or deals in mattresses shall register with the Department the following information:
For the purposes of this section, "mattress" shall mean any quilt, comfort, pad, pillow, cushion, or bag stuffed with hair, down, feather, wool, cotton, excelsior, jute, or any other soft material; and designed for use for sleeping or for reclining purposes.
All materials used, or intended to be used, in the manufacture or renovation of mattresses, shall be kept in a clean place at all times.
Finished mattresses intended for sale, gift, or exchange shall be kept from dampness and dirt.
Each mattress, whether new or renovated, in the possession of any person in the District for sale, exchange, gift, or delivery from a sale, shall have a tag or label attached to it that is required by D.C. Code, 2001 Ed. §§ 8 -501 through 8-508.
The tag or label required in § 112.6 shall be made of muslin, linen, or other material of like durability, and shall contain information about the material and the process used in the manufacture of the mattress as required by the Act.
The tags or labels required by D.C. Code, 2001 Ed. § 8 -503, shall be used as follows:
Before the tags or labels required in §§ 112.5 through 112.7 are used, a copy of the proposed tag or label shall be submitted to the Department for approval.
Applications for approval of sterilizing and disinfecting processes shall be made to the Director, and shall be accompanied with plans of the apparatus or device which set forth the processes to be used.
No method or process of sterilization or disinfection shall be used until approved by the Director.
All tags or labels required by D.C. Code, 2001 Ed.§§ 8 -501 through 8-508, shall describe in plain, legible type in English, the kind of materials used in the manufacture or renovation of the mattress to which it is attached, as follows:
No material shall be used in the manufacture or renovation of any mattress offered for sale, exchange, or gift in the District under the following conditions:
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) or more than forty-five dollars ($45) for each offense.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 25, r. 25-H100