D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 25, r. 25-C608

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Chemicals shall be labeled and stored in a cool, dry, and well- ventilated area under a roof and the area shall be inaccessible to the public.


Chemicals which emit corrosive fumes shall not be stored in the equipment room as specified in Subsection 503.18.


An aquatic facility's use of compressed chlorine gas is prohibited in:

(a) Newly constructed facilities; and
(b) Existing facilities undergoing any renovations or retrofitting that require DCRA to issue a Building Permit.

The Department shall prohibit a facility from using chlorine gas if the Department determines through an inspection (preoperational, routine or complaint) that safety equipment and/ or training requirements cannot be met as required by the manufacturer, or as directed by the Department.


A licensee shall ensure chlorine gas equipment and containers are:

(a) Located out of direct sunlight;
(b) Chained or fastened in place to prevent tipping;
(c) Equipped with a shut-off wrench when in use; and
(d) The installed power exhaust system of such equipment operates properly and that a bottle of ammonia is available to test for leaks.

Empty chemical containers shall be stored and disposed of in such a manner that they are not accessible to the public.


Solutions and dry chemical spills, waste material, excess water, and debris shall be cleaned and removed promptly.


Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all potentially hazardous chemicals shall be provided to the aquatic facility's pool and spa operator by the licensee or Pool Management Company.


All chemicals shall be handled, used, stored, and disposed of in accordance with the Safety Data Sheets, all applicable federal and District laws, and Sections 607.3, 607.4, 607.5, 607.6, 607.7, and Section 608.


All chemicals shall be stored in an area that has:

(a) Protection against weather, excess heat and moisture;
(b) A lockable door;
(c) Continuous ventilation sized at a minimum of two cubic feet per minute (2 cfm) per square foot of floor area and exhausts to the open air;
(d) A minimum of thirty (30) foot-candles (323 lux) of illumination to allow operators to read labels on containers throughout the chemical storage area and pump room;
(e) Adequate room to separate potentially reactive chemicals;
(f) Storage and or filter room door permanently labeled: "DANGER - CHEMICAL STORAGE AREA - DO NOT ENTER"
(g) Safety Data Sheets posted; and
(h) Availability of personal safety gear for all chemicals on site as required by the Safety Data Sheets (SDS), including:
(1) Goggles for eye protection;
(2) Splash-guard aprons;
(3) Neoprene gloves or other gloves as specified in the Safety Data Sheets;
(4) Respirators that are required by the Safety Data Sheets; and
(5) Proper training for handling procedures, which are posted in the filter room and chemical storage areas.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 25, r. 25-C608

Final Rulemaking published at 64 DCR 5359 (6/9/2017)