D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-533
A Mobile Roadway Vending (MRV) vehicle operating in public space under this section shall have either an individual holding a valid Class A, Class B, or Class D Vending Business License or an individual holding a valid Vendor Employee Identification Badge, issued pursuant to § 564, inside the vehicle at all times while the vehicle is in operation.
A MRV Site Permit shall be required for each MRV vehicle, whether vending from a designated MRV location or any legal parking space in the District.
A MRV vehicle must be legally parked and pay all appropriate meter fees in order to vend from public space.
A MRV vehicle shall not include an ice cream vending vehicle, as defined in § 599.
A MRV shall not vend on any residential block designated as Residential Permit Parking unless specifically authorized by a Special Event permit.
To vend in a designated MRV location during the designated hours pursuant to § 534, a MRV vehicle shall be required to participate in a monthly MRV location permit lottery. If a MRV vehicle, with a valid MRV Site Permit, does not participate in the monthly MRV location permit lottery, the MRV shall still be authorized to vend from public space pursuant to § 535.
No mobile roadway vending shall be authorized within two hundred feet (200 ft.) or directly across the street of a designated MRV location during the designated hours, except within another designated MRV location or with written approval from DCRA.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-533