D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-1111
The standard streetlight fixtures for the Downtown Streetscape Area shall be the following:
Streets: East-west streets except E, F, G and K Street, NW
Fixture: No 16 Single Globe, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Staggered across the street.
Street: F Street, NW
Fixture: Twin-25 with sconces, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street.
Street: E and G Streets, NW
Fixture: No. 16 Single Globe, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street.
Street: K Street east of 12th Street, NW
Fixture: Twin-20, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street.
Street: K Street west of 12th Street, NW
Fixture: No. 16 Single Globe along sidewalk and twin-20 in the median, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Staggered between the different fixtures on same side of street, opposite across the street.
Streets: North-south streets 2nd to 6th Streets, NW, 10th, 12th and 15th Streets, NW
Fixture: No. 16 Single Globe, sixty feet (60') on center.
Pattern: Staggered across the street.
Streets: 7th, 8th and 9th Streets, NW
Fixture: No. 16 Single Globe, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street.
Street: 11th, 13th and 14th Streets, NW
Fixture: No. 18 Single Globe, sixty feet (60') on center.
Pattern: Staggered across the street.
Streets: Vermont, Indiana and New York Avenues, NW
Fixture: Twin-20, forty feet (40') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street
Streets: 16th Street, Massachusetts Avenue and New Jersey Avenue, NW
Fixture: Twin-20, eighty feet (80') on center.
Pattern: Opposite across the street
The Twin-20 and Twin-25 with sconces fixtures shall be installed parallel to the curb.
Pendant arm pole with streetlight luminare shall be installed at all corners of intersections.
The color of all Single Globe and Twin-20 fixtures shall be Black.
Pendant arm pole fixtures shall be Battleship Gray color.
Streetlights of the Chinese lantern design, as specified by the Committee, shall be located on the following streets in the Chinatown area as defined by the Office of Planning in a pattern approved by the Committee:
Any person who installs the Chinese lantern design streetlight pursuant to this chapter shall furnish all expenses for installation and other associated costs of the streetlights.
Any person who installs the Chinese lantern design streetlight pursuant to this chapter shall purchase an additional streetlight (including pole and base) for each Chinese lantern design streetlight approved by the Committee. The additional streetlight(s) shall be stored by the Department.
The adjacent property owner shall provide paint for the maintenance of each Chinese lantern streetlight purchased.
Streetlights shall be located to provide twenty feet (20') on one side of a tree box space to allow for the maneuvering equipment.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-1111