D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4410
Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 22-B4410 - UNCOMPENSATED CARE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS4410.1Each CON holder shall submit an annual report to the SHPDA on uncompensated care. The report shall be on a schedule prescribed by the SHPDA. The report shall be submitted within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the close of the CON holder's fiscal year. The report shall include:
(a) The dollar value of uncompensated care that the CON holder was required to provide;(b) The dollar value of uncompensated care the CON holder actually provided, with the dollar value of charity care and bad debt reported separately;(c) A copy of the CON holder's audited financial statement for that fiscal year;(d) Other documentation SHPDA may require to determine if a CON holder has met its annual compliance level for the period covered by the report;(e) The dollar value of services and care provided to District residents;(f) A copy of the notice required by § 4405.1, including the date the notice was published and the name of the newspaper that printed the notice;(g) If the CON holder failed to provide the required annual level of uncompensated care, the reason and any documentation that supports its reason for failing to meet the annual compliance level; and(h) Any other documentation the Director may request.4410.2The Director may require a CON holder to submit the report required by § 4410.1 more frequently when:
(a) The Director determines that during the preceding fiscal year the CON holder did not provide uncompensated care at its required annual compliance level; or(b) The Director notifies the CON holder, in writing, that additional reports are needed for proper administration of the CON program.4410.3If the Director requests additional reports pursuant to § 4410.2, the CON holder shall submit the report within ninety (90) days after receiving the request or within ninety (90) days after the close of the fiscal year, whichever is later. The Director may, for good cause shown, extend the time within which the CON holder must submit the report.
4410.4Not later than ten (10) days after being served with a summons or complaint regarding uncompensated care or any other activity relating to the CON, each CON holder shall notify the Director of any legal action brought against it that alleges that it has failed to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4410
Final Rulemaking published at 36 DCR 5819 (August 11, 1989); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 52 DCR 8258 (September 2, 2005); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 53 DCR 4808 (June 16, 2006)Authority: This chapter was originally enacted under the authority of the District of Columbia Certificate of Need Act of 1980, effective September 16, 1980 (D.C. Law 3-99; D.C. Official Code, §§ 44-1801 to 44-1817 (2001 ed.)), and amended by the District of Columbia Certificate of Need Act of 1980 Amendment Act of 1987, effective March 16, 1988 (D.C. Law 7-90; 35 DCR 710 (February 5, 1988)). Subsequent to the enactment of this chapter, the District of Columbia Certificate of Need Act of 1980 was repealed by § 22 of the Health Services Planning Program Act of 1992, effective March 16, 1993 (D.C. Law 9-197; 39 DCR 9195 (December 11, 1992)). Later authority for the regulation of Certificates of Need was found at D.C. Official Code §§ 44-401 to 44-421 (2001 ed.); Mayor's Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1986; and Mayor's Order 95-162, dated December 4, 1995.