D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4404
Each CON holder shall provide uncompensated care pursuant to § 4400.2 to eligible persons. The uncompensated care to be provided shall be based upon these rules or contractual obligations between the health care provider and the District of Columbia Government, whichever standard provides the higher dollar value.
If, during any fiscal year, a CON holder fails to meet its annual uncompensated care obligation, the CON holder shall, during a subsequent fiscal year, provide uncompensated care in a dollar value sufficient to remediate that deficit, pursuant to a compliance plan under § 4413 approved by the SHPDA. The compliance plan shall include the following:
A deficit incurred during any fiscal year shall be made up within not more than three (3) fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year during which the deficit occurred.
A CON holder shall begin to make up a deficit during the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year during which it incurred the deficit.
The SHPDA shall complete its review of the compliance plan within forty-five (45) days of receipt from the CON holder. The compliance plan shall expire after the CON holder remedies the deficit for which it submitted the compliance plan.
The Director may extend the period of time within which a CON holder may make up a deficit.
The amount of an uncompensated care deficit for any fiscal year shall be the difference between a CON holder's annual compliance level for that fiscal year and the amount of uncompensated care provided during that fiscal year.
If a CON holder provides uncompensated care during a fiscal year in an amount exceeding its annual compliance level, the CON holder may request that the Director apply the excess amount as a credit towards an existing deficit or its annual compliance level for any subsequent fiscal year. To be eligible for a credit, the excess dollar value above the annual compliance level must have been provided pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4404