D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4102
Except for a capital expenditure made solely for research, no person shall make or obligate a capital expenditure for a health service or facility before first obtaining a CON if:
A person intending to make a capital expenditure solely for the purpose of research shall notify SHPDA of its intent in writing and describe the nature of the capital expenditure to be made for research purposes.
For the purposes of this section, capital expenditure includes the cost of any studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, or other services (including staff effort) associated with the capital expenditure.
A capital expenditure unrelated to patient care valued at eight million dollars ($8,000,000) or more, by an existing health facility shall require CON review unless the facility or activity is specifically exempted from CON review.
A capital expenditure by a non-health facility component of a larger institution that also includes a hospital or other health facility or service (such as those made by a university or medical school that operates a hospital) shall not be treated as relating to the health service or facility unless either of the following applies:
An obligation for a capital expenditure shall be considered to be incurred by or on behalf of a health care facility:
An obligation for a capital expenditure that is contingent on the issuance of a CON shall be considered not to be incurred until SHPDA issues the CON.
The provisions of Subsection 4102.1 shall not limit any form of preliminary budget approval for inclusion in the budget by the applicant's administrative review authority.
Budget inclusion shall be a prerequisite for submitting a complete application for a CON.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4102