D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4012
Whenever a criterion or standard requires proof of a fact, the applicant shall have the burden of affirmatively proving that fact.
The criteria and standards set forth in this section shall apply to every CON application other than an application that relates to acquiring an existing health care facility.
Each project shall conform to the general provisions, defined priorities, goals, objectives, recommended actions, criteria, and standards contained in the State Health Systems Plan (HSP) and the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) for the development of health facilities or services, if applicable.
Each project shall be consistent with the applicant's long range development plan.
Each project shall be consistent with non-health sector plans for the service area of the proposed facility or service. The applicant shall demonstrate consistency by providing evidence and assurances that:
Each applicant shall demonstrate the need for the project on a health care system wide basis (for those projects that substantially affect patient care). The applicant shall demonstrate need by meeting the following standards:
Each applicant shall demonstrate need for the project on an institutional basis by providing evidence and assurances that the project is required to meet institutional needs.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion of availability of training opportunities by meeting the following standards:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for requirements of research projects and programs by meeting the following standards:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for the schedule for project implementation by providing evidence and assurances that the proposal, if approved, will be implemented in a prompt and orderly fashion consistent with the approved schedule and public need for the service or facility and cost containment in project implementation.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for the effect of operating policies, personnel capabilities, and the physical structure on the proposed project's care of patients, patient accessibility to medical care, and patient understanding of medical care by meeting the following standards:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for compliance with uncompensated care and community service requirements. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances of compliance with applicable provisions of § 11 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 44-410) as well as the following:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for involvement of the community in the process of project planning and development. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances of opportunities for community participation in the preparation and development of the project through the following:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for impact of the proposed project on the health system and the health of District residents and visitors. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the project, if it involves a direct patient care service, will not adversely impact the health care system and the health of the public in terms of health status as measured by industry standards, such as hospital admissions, emergency room visits, length of stay, and other relevant measures.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for observance of rights of patients. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances of the applicant's mechanism for guaranteeing patient's rights. Minimal compliance with this standard requires compliance with all federal and District laws and regulations regarding patient rights.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for assurance that the care to be provided is of acceptable quality. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that it will meet professional and community standards of quality care. The applicant shall document compliance with this standard by showing that the project conforms to the requirements of District and federal regulatory agencies and recognized accreditation bodies including the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for compliance with building and equipment requirements. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that all new construction meets the standards contained in minimum requirements of latest edition of Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities, and District construction and licensing codes and regulations, as applicable to the type of project proposed. A remodeling project shall satisfy as many of these requirements as are reasonably practical, as determined by the Director, acting in consultation with District licensing and construction authorities.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for selection of the best of alternative means of providing the project's services. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing a description of the alternatives the applicant considered, and the findings that led the applicant to select the proposed approach rather than an alternative approach. The applicant shall select the most favorable alternative available by evaluating and comparing the final selected plan with the following alternative means:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for the effect of operational costs of the project on general costs, rates, or consumer charges. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the project will reduce costs or charges for the service in question and for related services to the maximum practical extent or increase cost and charges to the minimum practical extent, consistent with benefits provided, if any. Unless a different standard is adopted in the HSP for a specific service, projects that are projected to operate at less than eighty percent (80%) utilization of available capacity in their third (3rd) year of operation, given operating hours determined by the Director to be reasonable, shall be deemed not to meet this standard. The Director may consider special circumstances concerning utilization for teaching and research in determining compliance with the utilization rate standard.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for the effect of operational costs of the project on the applicant's budget. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the applicant's operating cost and revenue analysis show that the project will not substantially negatively affect the applicant's continuing financial operational viability, given reasonable revenue and volume projections.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for adoption of energy conservation techniques. The standards for satisfying this criterion are as follows:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for effect on competition. The standards for satisfying this criterion are as follows:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for efficiency and effectiveness of existing services. The standards for satisfying this criterion are as follows:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for construction plan design and specification alternatives. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the construction methods and material specifications selected are the most cost effective over the life cycle of the proposed project, taking construction, energy, operating, and maintenance costs into consideration.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for financial viability of project operation. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that sufficient financial resources are available, not only to complete the project but also to sustain operations for at least two (2) years. Financial resources that may be used to meet this requirement include:
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for availability of required capital. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the proposed source of funds, including loans, are fully described, to the extent possible at the time of proposal submission for the project review. Each proposed loan agreement shall be accompanied by information on duration and repayment terms. The applicant shall provide evidence and assurances that more favorable financial arrangements cannot be obtained. The financial arrangements shall be reasonable when compared to those for other similar projects.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for compatibility with the reimbursement policies of third-party payers, where applicable. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the applicants proposed services are reimbursable by third-party payers (including Medicare and Medicaid) if the third-party payers reimburse other providers in the District for providing the same services.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for availability of personnel. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the proposal includes adequate qualified personnel and that the required personnel can be obtained without substantial negative effects on other services the applicant or other providers offer.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for management capability. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances of a stable and competent background in the administration and conduct of existing programs, if any, and demonstrating the ability to conduct the proposed program in a competent and effective manner.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for availability of ancillary services, as required. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that required ancillary or support services necessary for operation of a proposed facility or service shall be available within the applicant's existing operation, through supply agreement with another provider, or as a part of the proposal.
Each applicant shall satisfy the criterion for relationship of the project to the health care system. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that clearly define the relationship of the proposed project to existing services and facilities in the health care system, and the effect of the project on other facilities and services, including those of other providers. The applicant shall demonstrate appropriate linkages to ensure continuity of care.
The general criteria set forth in Subsections 4012.33 and 4012.34 shall be applicable to applications submitted by HMOs.
Each HMO applicant shall satisfy the criterion for need for the project to meet the needs of enrolled members of the HMO (or combination of HMOs) and to meet the needs of reasonably anticipated new members. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the proposed project is reasonably required to meet the health care needs of the HMO members or future members who can be expected to use the proposed service or facility.
Each HMO applicant shall satisfy the criterion for reasonable availability of the proposed service or facility only through direct provision by the applicant HMO. A proposed service or facility is presumed not to be reasonably available to an HMO other than by direct provision by the HMO (or group of HMOs) unless the Director determines that the proposed facility or service:
The general criteria set forth in Subsections 4012.36 through 4012.40 shall apply to applications proposing decreases in bed capacity or closure of services.
If the Director determines that a proposed closure of beds or of a service does not comply with life safety, or licensure codes, the proposed closure shall satisfy the criterion of financial capability of the applicant to bring the facility, beds, or service into compliance with life safety and licensure standards. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the applicant is financially incapable of taking actions necessary to bring the beds or service into code or standards compliance.
When a proposed closure of beds or of a service is based on the applicant's claim of financial infeasibility of continued operations, the proposed closure shall satisfy the criterion for financial feasibility of continued operations. The standard for satisfying this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that, despite operation of the facility in accordance with recognized management procedures and reasonable levels of efficiency, continued operation of the beds or service would produce continuing significant long term financial losses.
For proposed bed reductions or service closures not subject to Subsections 4012.36 or 4012.37, the proposed reduction or closure shall satisfy the criterion for consistency of the proposed bed reduction or service closure with the goals of the HSP and AIP. The standard for complying with this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that the project complies with the goals of the HSP and AIP.
For proposed bed reductions or service closures not subject to Subsections 4012.36 or 4012.37, the proposed reduction or closure shall satisfy the criterion for degree of patient impact. The standard for complying with this criterion is by providing evidence and assurances that a proposed reduction or closure will not negatively affect consumers of health care services by causing any of the following:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B4012