D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B3406
A supportive and protective environment shall be provided to each resident to promote his or her comfort, self-esteem, and personal dignity, and to ensure that the resident's property and civil rights are respected.
A written copy of the rights and privileges (which may be obtained from the Mayor) set forth in §§ 3406.3 through 3406.11 shall be given to each resident and his or her sponsor, if any, upon admission.
Each resident shall be permitted to receive visitors at any reasonable hour in an area permitting private conversation.
Residents shall have the right of privacy in their rooms, and community residence facility personnel shall respect this right by knocking on the door before entering a resident's room.
A resident's mail shall be delivered unopened unless medically contraindicated (as documented by a physician in the patient's medical record), or unless the mail relates to financial affairs for which responsibility has been delegated to the community residence facility in accordance with the provisions of § 3207.
EDITOR'S NOTE: 22 DCMR § 3207 was deleted by Final Rulemaking published at 42 DCR 567 (January 27, 1995).
Residents shall have access to a telephone for outgoing and incoming calls located so that they can speak privately, and shall have the right to install and use a private telephone at their own expense.
Physical and mental harassment or abuse of residents is prohibited.
Provisions shall be made to meet the spiritual needs of the residents by advising the proper clergyman of a resident's admission to the community residence facility, if requested to do so by the resident or his or her sponsor, if any, or by allowing residents to attend religious services of their choice in the community. No religious beliefs or practices shall be imposed on any resident.
Residents or those acting on their behalf shall be provided the right of registration and disposition of complaints without the residents being intimidated by a threat of discharge or other reprisal.
All residents, next of kin, and sponsors (if any) shall be provided with the address and telephone number of the District government office that licenses health care facilities.
The community residence facility shall carry sufficient insurance to cover hazards (fire and extended coverage) and legal risk of liability.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B3406