D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A520
Each MH provider shall provide certification of its compliance with this chapter to DMH within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this chapter and annually thereafter. The MH provider shall prepare its initial and annual certification of compliance with this chapter using a format approved by DMH,
If a MH provider has provided a written attestation of its compliance with federal rules and regulations governing the use of restraints and seclusion to the District's Medicaid Administration Agency (MAA), the MH provider shall also provide DMH with a copy of the MAA attestation.
Each MH provider shall report the death of a consumer or other serious injury that may have reasonably resulted from the use of restraint or seclusion to DMH in accordance with DMH's unusual incident reporting policy as set forth in §§ 516.1 and 516.2, and applicable federal and District laws and regulations.
Each use of restraint or seclusion shall be reported to the MH provider's quality improvement committee for review, discussion, trend analysis and any recommendations for programmatic or treatment changes.
The DMH Deputy Director for Accountability may require an external review of a MH provider's use of seclusion and restraint based on increasing or excessive utilization patterns, injuries to staff or consumers, or deviations from this policy.
The MH provider shall also comply with any reporting requirements deemed necessary by DMH.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A520