D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A511
A physical hold is the application of physical force by a trained or qualified staff person without the use of any mechanical device, for the purpose of restraining free movement of a consumer's body. A physical hold does not include briefly holding without due force a consumer in order to calm or comfort him or her, or holding a consumer's hand to safely escort him or her from one are to another.
A trained or qualified staff person may use physical holds, without a physician's order, for up to fifteen (15) minutes in an emergency where physical violence against self, another person, or property is occurring. A physical hold is used solely for the purpose of preventing harm to the consumer, the staff person, others or property.
The attending or treating physician shall order any use of a physical hold that will last longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
A second trained or qualified staff person shall be assigned to observe the consumer during the use of a physical hold.
For any use of a physical hold longer than fifteen (15) minutes, the procedures set forth in §§ 506.3, 506.6, 506.7, 506.8, 506.9, 506.10, and 506.11 of this chapter shall be followed.
Any order for a physical hold shall not exceed a total of one (1) hour.
The MH provider shall conduct a post event analysis and a treatment team debriefing in accordance with the requirements of §§ 509 and 510, respectively, for any use of a physical hold longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A511