D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-499
When used in this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed:
Authority - the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority or its lawful agent, successor in interest or designee.
Comparable periods -
DC Water - the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority or its lawful agent, successor in interest or designee.
General Manager - the chief administrative officer of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority or his or her designee.
Meter - Includes any device which is used to measure the amount of water utilized by consumers.
Occupant - any individual, corporation, association or partnership who holds or possesses a premises in subordination to the title of the owner of the premises, with the consent of the owner.
Owner - any individual, corporation, association, or partnership listed as the legal title holder of record.
Petitioner - an owner, occupant, owner's agent, applicant for certification to test backflow preventers or a holder of a certificate to test backflow preventers.
Practicable - For purposes of Section 430, a finding made by the General Manager that it is feasible to individually meter each apartment on the premises, or that there exists a tenant group or association that meets DC Water's requirements.
Privately owned water meter - meter required to be installed, at no cost to DC Water, for the measurement of water supplied and used by commercial and industrial users or by premises with three (3) or more separate dwelling units.
Single family home - means a housing unit designed and maintained for occupancy by only one family.
Tenant - any person who holds or possesses a habitation in subordination to the title of the owner of the premises in which the habitation is located, with the consent of the owner.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-499