D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-107
No occupant of premises into which water has been introduced shall permit the water to run or waste unnecessarily from any water pipe, hydrant, cock, street washing, or other fixture.
No occupant of premises into which water has been introduced shall permit the water to overflow or flood the sidewalk or foot pavement, and thus become annoying or dangerous.
No occupant of premises into which water has been introduced shall permit a flow of water to be conducted into adjacent premises, and there be used, except in case of fire or other emergency.
If any water pipe, hydrant, cock hose connection, curbcock box, or other fixture be found leaking, out of repair, or inoperable, and the occupant, owner, or agent of the premises refuses or neglects to have the necessary repairs made, after due notification by the Department; or if that person refuses admission to authorized representatives of the Department into the premises when in the official discharge of his or her duties, the water supply to the premises may be terminated until satisfactory repairs or arrangements have been made to prevent the waste or unlawful use.
Conviction of a violation of the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($ 100).
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-107