D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-4340
The CCO shall only use the two-phase design-build selection procedures when three or more offers are anticipated.
The CCO may use one solicitation covering both phases, or the CCO may issue two solicitations in sequence.
The CCO shall issue a solicitation utilizing the competitive sealed proposals method of procurement. The solicitation shall state the maximum number of offerors that will be selected to submit phase-two proposals.
The maximum number specified shall not exceed five unless the CCO determines, for that particular solicitation, that a number greater than five is in the Library's interest and is consistent with the purposes and objectives of two-phase design-build contracting.
After evaluating phase-one proposals, the CCO shall select the most highly qualified offerors, not to exceed the maximum number specified in the solicitation in accordance with Section 4340.4, and request that only those offerors submit phase-two proposals.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-4340