D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2131
Each contestant shall have at least two (2) and not more than three (3) seconds. Only one (1) second is allowed inside the ring between rounds.
No person who holds only a second's license shall act as a manager, assist in procuring matches, or take a share of the contestant's earnings.
A manager acting as a second shall be neatly attired when in the ring. No headdress may be worn in the ring. A towel used by a second shall be white and clean.
A second shall submit to the dressing room inspector all equipment and first aid accessories intended for use in the ring.
During a round, a second shall not assist the contestant vocally or by using the hands, face, or body; shall not attempt to heckle or annoy the opponent; and shall remain seated and silent.
A second shall not enter a ring until the bell indicates the end of a round; shall leave the ring at the sound of the timers whistle, ten (10) seconds before a round is to begin; and shall remove all obstructions, buckets, and the stool promptly at the sound of the gong.
No second shall enter the ring during a round.
Each contestant shall name for each contest a chief second who shall be responsible for the conduct of the assistant seconds during the contest.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2131