D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2128
No person shall manage a contestant without a written, notarized contract with the contestant, which shall be on file with the Commission.
The Commission shall accept for filing only the original or a certified copy of the standard Commission contract for managers and contestants.
No manager shall execute a contract which assigns a contestant's or manager's interest without the prior approval of the Commission.
No manager shall have more than two (2) contestants in any one program without the written approval of the Commission.
No manager shall attempt to select or exclude a judge or referee in a contest in which the contestant under his or her management participates.
A contestant's manager may act as a second for the contestant without a second's license.
A contestant may have not more than one (1) manager.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2128