D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2110
A contestant shall be clean and present a tidy appearance. If the contestant has hair on or over the contestant's face, the Commission may require the contestant to shave or trim the hair to a reasonable length, in a manner so as not to interfere with the contestant's vision or with the treatment of cuts or other skin injuries.
A male contestant shall wear a foul protection cup of a type satisfactory to the Commission and the contestant. This cup shall be firmly adjusted before leaving the dressing room.
A female contestant shall wear a breast protector covered by an outer shirt.
A contestant shall wear a mouth piece approved by the Commission.
Each contestant shall supply himself or herself with a pair of trunks that are loose-fitting and made of light cloth. Contestants in the same contest shall not wear the same or similar colors in the ring. Leotards or other tight-fitting garments are prohibited.
The top of the trunks shall not extend above the waistline.
Every promoter shall have on hand, in three (3) sizes, for emergency use three (3) pairs of bright green trunks and three (3) pairs of bright red trunks. The trunks shall be neat, clean, and in presentable appearance. The trunks shall be used when both contestants report with trunks the same or nearly the same color.
Shoes shall be of soft material and shall not be fitted with spikes, cleats, hard soles, or hard heels.
A contestant may remove shoes and socks if rain causes the canvas to become slippery.
A contestant may wear a robe into the ring.
Except as otherwise approved by the Commission, a contestant may wear only the apparel described in this section.
The Commission or its designee may prohibit from entering, or remove from, the ring any person who is not appropriately attired.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 19, r. 19-2110