D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-4704
An acupuncturist who is not a licensed physician shall not represent that he or she has a doctoral degree in the field of acupuncture and/or Oriental medicine, or use the title "doctor" or "Dr.," unless the educational program that awarded the person's doctoral degree is:
A person who uses the title "doctor" or "Dr." pursuant to § 4704.1 shall indicate that the doctoral degree is in acupuncture and/or Oriental medicine.
An acupuncturist shall not represent that he or she has a master's degree in the field of acupuncture and/or Oriental medicine unless the education program that awarded his or her master's degree is:
An acupuncturist who has a doctoral or master's degree in a field other than acupuncture and/or oriental medicine may, in advertising or other materials visible to the public pertaining to the acupuncturist's practice, include this degree provided that the field in which the degree was awarded is specified without using an abbreviation and the doctoral or master's degree was obtained from an educational program, which meets the requirements of §§ 4704.1 or 4704.3.
An acupuncturist who is not a licensed physician and has a doctorate in a field other than acupuncture or oriental medicine shall not use the title "doctor" in advertising or other materials visible to the public pertaining to the acupuncturist's acupuncture practice.
An acupuncturist who does not have an Acupuncture/Chinese Herbology license shall not identify him or herself as practicing Chinese Herbology unless they are a person who qualifies for Acupuncture/Chinese Herbology under the requirements of § 4707.2 and they are within the two-year period following the implementation of these rules.
Only individuals who have met the requirements of this chapter and are licensed acupuncturists may represent themselves as providing acupuncture or acupuncture treatment.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-4704