D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-3701
This section shall be known as the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for all barbers, cosmetologists, and specialty cosmetologists.
The barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall accept responsibility for providing competent service with compassion and respect for human dignity.
The barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall exercise professional judgment in the use of evaluation and treatment procedures and may decline to perform a treatment if he or she believes the treatment would be harmful or unjustified.
The barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall provide the patron with accurate information regarding the profession and treatments rendered.
The barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall deal honestly with patrons and colleagues, and strive to report to the Board those persons who are deficient in character or competence, or who engage in fraud or deception.
A barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall continue to study, apply and advance scientific knowledge, make relevant information available to patrons, colleagues, and the public, obtain consultations, and use the talents of health professionals when required.
A barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist shall respect the law and also recognize a responsibility to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interests of the patron and the profession.
A barber, cosmetologist, or specialty cosmetologist authorized to practice pursuant to the Act, shall not accept or perform professional services covered by the Act which the licensee knows or has reason to know he or she is not competent to perform.
No licensee may provide services to the public if the licensee has a known infectious or contagious disease unless the licensee takes appropriate precautions and uses safeguards that prevent the spread of the disease to the public.
Licensees shall take adequate and necessary precautions to protect the public from health and safety hazards when performing services.
The barber or cosmetologist shall respect the client's right to privacy and shall not divulge confidential information without consent of the client or guardian unless required by law.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-3701