D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-3413
Each licensed architect shall procure a seal, which shall contain the name of the licensed architect, his or her license number, and the words LICENSED ARCHITECT-DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. This seal shall comply in all respects, including size and format, with the specimen shown below:
The seal shall be evidence of the authenticity of the document and shall be imprinted on all technical submissions, as follows:
The seal appearing on any technical submission shall be prima facie evidence that the technical submission was prepared by or under the direct supervision of the individual named on the seal.
No licensed architect shall affix or permit to be affixed his or her seal or signature to any technical submission which depicts work which he or she is not competent to perform.
No licensed architect shall affix his or her seal or signature to any technical submission that was not prepared by him or her or under his or her direct supervision or by another licensed architect and reviewed, approved, or modified and adopted under his or her direct supervision.
When the license of a licensed architect has been revoked or suspended by the Board, the licensed architect shall surrender his or her seal to the secretary of the Board within a period of thirty (30) days after the revocation or suspension has become effective. If the license of the architect has been suspended for a period of time, his or her seal shall be returned upon expiration of the suspension period. The seal shall not be used for any purpose after the effective date of any suspension or revocation.
The licensed architect, when affixing his or her seal to any technical submission or any other instruments of services, shall affix his or her name, by manual signature or electronic signature, across the printed image of the seal. An electronic signature must be:
All technical submissions or other instruments of services shall be identified as architecture documents.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-3413