D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-299
When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed:
Apprentice electrician - an individual at least sixteen (16) years of age who assists in the performance of manual work under the direction of a master electrician, electrician, or master electrician specialist.
Apprenticeship course of instruction - a course of instruction consisting only of manual work in the employ of an electrical contractor or employer exempt from licensure under § 204.3.
Bond - the bond and surety required by the Act of Congress ( Public Law 506-78 th Congress, 58 Stat. 819) approved December 20, 1944, in an amount specified in this chapter for each specific business.
Director - the Director of the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, or the Director's agent, representative, or designee.
Electrical contractor - a person engaged in the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining electric wiring, fixtures, signs, apparatus, and appliances designed for using or conducting electric current and coming within the scope of the Electrical Code of the District of Columbia.
Electrical fixture contractor - a person engaged in the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining electric fixtures or signs at outlets previously provided.
Electrician - an individual who has demonstrated that he or she has learned the trade and has received a license from the District of Columbia.
Engaged in business - a person, firm, or corporation that holds itself out to the public to furnish or install, under verbal or written contract, labor or material designed to accomplish a specified result. A person so engaged shall be considered a contractor requiring a license under this chapter.
License - the authority granted by the District for a person to engage in a specific business, trade, or occupation in the District of Columbia.
Maintenance and repair electrician - an electrician employed by a person, firm, or corporation who keeps in repair electrical installations, apparatus, fixtures, and equipment; and who also may install wiring and apparatus that come within the purview of that permitted in Article 1147 of the D.C. Electrical Code, at the specific premise or premises for which the license is issued. Work done beyond the scope of Article 1147 shall only be done when a master electrician or a master electrician specialist is regularly employed.
Master electrician - an electrician who is qualified to lay out, direct, and supervise the work of other electricians.
Master electrician specialist - an electrician who is also qualified to lay out, direct, and supervise the work of other electricians in the limited field of work for which a license is issued and limited to branch circuit wiring.
Person - an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation.
Special contractor - a person engaged in a limited branch of the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining a particular appliance, apparatus, device, fixture, or commodity covered by regulations. This business may be included under one or more business classifications provided in this chapter, such as gasoline pumps, musical instruments, oil burners, signs, and stokers.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-299