D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11307
This section applies to applicants for the renewal, reactivation, or reinstatement of a license but does not apply to applicants for an initial license or for the first renewal of a license after the initial grant.
A continuing education credit shall be valid only if it is part of a program or activity approved by the Board in accordance with § 11308.
To qualify for the renewal of a license, an applicant shall have completed, during the two (2)-year period preceding the date the license expires, forty (40) hours of approved continuing education credit, which shall include:
To qualify for the reactivation of a license, a person in inactive status within the meaning of § 511 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.11) (2016 Repl.) who seeks to reactivate his or her license not more than five (5) years after the start of the inactive status shall submit proof of having completed twenty (20) hours of approved continuing education credit meeting the requirements of § 11307.3 for each year that the applicant was not actively licensed, up to a maximum of one hundred (100) hours. At least twenty (20) hours of the continuing education credit shall have been completed in the one (1)-year period prior to the submission of the application.
To qualify for the reactivation of a license, a person in inactive status within the meaning of § 511 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.11) (2016 Repl.) who seeks to reactivate his or her license more than five (5) years after the start of the inactive status shall, during a period not more than two (2) years prior to the submission of the application, take and complete eighty (80) hours of Board-approved assisted living administrator training program consisting of education and training meeting the requirement of § 11302.2 and twenty (20) hours of approved continuing education.
To qualify for the reinstatement of a license, an applicant shall submit proof of having completed twenty (20) hours of approved continuing education credit meeting the requirements of § 11307.3 for each year that the applicant was not licensed, up to a maximum of one hundred (100) hours. At least twenty (20) hours of the continuing education credit shall have been completed in the one (1)-year period prior to the application date.
A renewal applicant may be required to attest to his or her compliance with the continuing education requirement under § 11307.3.
The Board may periodically conduct a random audit of its licensees to determine compliance with the continuing education requirement. A licensee selected for audit shall submit proof of his or her continuing education compliance within the allotted time period, which shall not be less than thirty (30) days.
Satisfactory proof of completion of the required continuing education shall include verifiable evidence of the attendance or completion of a program or activity and that such program or activity is approved or approvable by the Board in accordance with §§ 11308 and 11309.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11307