D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-303
Whenever a Meter reader is on the premises and cannot make an actual reading, the Utility shall provide Customers with an electronic or telephonic means to report a Customer Meter reading. The Utility shall furnish a Customer a Meter reading card upon request.
Any Natural Gas or Electric Utility Customer may routinely read his/her own Meter and report the reading to the Utility by the means stated in subsection 303.6, so long as the usage is reported accurately and on the schedule specified by the Utility. A Customer's Bill based on a reading by the Customer is subject to increase or decrease based upon later actual reading by the Utility.
If a Utility determines that actual Meter readings have not been made of the Customer's Meter after two (2) consecutive Billing Cycles, the Utility shall provide the Customer with the means to read and report the meter reading to the Utility, as provided in subsection 303.6.
The Customer's Meter reading shall be used for billing purposes, except in the following circumstances:
At a Utility's request, the Customer shall provide access to the Meter in order for the Utility to verify the accuracy of readings reported under this subsection. This subsection shall not prevent a Utility from reading Meters on a regular basis.
If a Utility's estimate is used in lieu of the reading submitted by the Customer, the Utility shall make an actual Meter reading when the Meter is accessible.
The Utility shall provide the Customer with instructions on proper Meter reading, the date the Meter must be read and the date the Customer must report a Meter reading to the Utility. A Customer can report a Meter reading by any of the following methods:
Upon a Customer initiating service, and annually thereafter, the Utility shall provide information regarding Customer meter readings, including instructions on how to read the Meter and how to obtain the date on which the Meter should be read and the date by which the Customer Meter reading must be returned to the Utility.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-303