D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-5402
In order of priority, the forms of verification that DCHA shall use are:
UIV shall be used to the extent that these systems are available to DCHA. UIV is an automatic form of third-party verification.
Current UIV Resources at DCHA are:
DCHA shall use HUD's EIV system as a third-party source to verify Family member employment and income information during periodic and interim recertification of Family composition and income, and shall not require the Family to provide information already available through the EIV system. The reports shall be retained in the participant file with the appropriate transaction.
EIV reports shall constitute third party verification when the Family does not dispute the income sources and it is supplemented with participant provided documents. EIV may not be used to calculate anticipated wage income; it shall only be used as a verification of the employment income source.
If the Family does not dispute the income source, DCHA shall use participant provided documents to anticipate annual income.
DCHA shall attempt another form of third party verification in the following circumstances:
When DCHA is unable to obtain verification through a UIV source, DCHA shall make at least two (2) attempts to obtain third-party verification before using another form of verification.
DCHA shall seek third-party verification using a combination of written and oral requests to verification sources. Information received orally from third parties may be used either to clarify information provided in writing by the third party or as independent verification when written third-party verification is not received in a timely fashion.
DCHA shall consider documentation provided by the Family to be written third party verification if the documentation is:
DCHA may mail, fax, e- mail, or hand deliver third-party written verification requests and shall accept third-party responses using any of these methods:
If DCHA determines that third-party verification is not available or not required, DCHA shall use information provided by the Family as verification.
DCHA may also review documents when necessary to help clarify information provided by third parties. In such cases DCHA shall document in the file how DCHA arrived at a final conclusion about the income or expense to include in its calculations.
DCHA shall accept a self-certification from a Family as verification of assets disposed of for less than fair market value.
DCHA shall only review documents in lieu of requesting third-party verification when the market value of an individual asset or an expense is less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) annually and the Family has original documents that support the declared amount.
Any documents used for verification shall be the original (not photocopies), if available, and shall be dated within one hundred eighty (180) days of the interview date, except tax returns which can be dated within three hundred sixty five (365) days of the interview and may not be original.
The documents shall not be damaged, altered or in any way illegible. Print-outs from web pages are considered original documents. A DCHA staff member who views the original document shall make a photocopy.
DCHA may reject any income documentation for reasons allowed by the administrative plan or HUD.
When information cannot be verified by a third party or by review of documents, Family members shall be required to submit self-certifications attesting to the accuracy of the information they have provided to DCHA.
DCHA may require a Family to certify through a sworn statement that a Family member does not receive a particular type of income or benefit.
The self-certification shall be made in a format acceptable to DCHA and shall be signed by the Family member whose information or status is being verified. All self-certifications shall be signed in the presence of a DCHA representative or shall be notarized.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-5402