Strike Section 608.13.2 of the International Plumbing Code in its entirety and insert a new Section 608.13.2 into the Plumbing Code in its place to read as follows:
Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1013, AWWA C511, CSA B64.4 or CSA B64.4.1. Reduced pressure detector assembly backflow preventers shall conform to ASSE 1047. These assemblies shall be permitted to be installed where subject to continuous pressure conditions. The relief opening shall discharge by air gap a nd shall be prevented from being submerged. These assemblies shall not be installed in pits or vaults.
Insert a new Section 608.13.9 into the Plumbing Code to read as follows:
Chemical dispenser backflow devices. Backflow devices for chemical dispensers shall comply with ASSE 1001, 1011, 1013, 1051, 1020, 1035, 1052 or 1056.
Instead of a backflow device, connections to chemical dispensers shall be protected against backflow by an air gap or an air gap fitting meeting ASME A112.1.3.
Strike Section 608.14 of the International Plumbing Code in its entirety and insert a new Section 608.14 into the Plumbing Code in its place to read as follows:
Location of backflow preventers. The location and installation of backflow preventers shall meet access and clearance requirements specified by the manufacturer's instructions and DC Water design specifications.
Strike Section 608.16.4 of the International Plumbing Code in its entirety and insert a new Section 608.16.4 into the Plumbing Code in its place to read as follows:
Connections to automatic fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems. The potable water supply to automatic fire sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be protected against backflow by one of the following methods:
Exception: Where systems are installed as a portion of the water distribution system in accordance with the requirements of this code and are not provided with a fire department connection, separate backflow protection of the water supply system from the fire suppression system shall not be required.
Strike Section 608.16.7 of the International Plumbing Code in its entirety and insert a new Section 608.16.7 into the Plumbing Code to read as follows:
Chemical dispensers. Where chemical dispensers connect to the potable water distribution system, the water supply system shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.13.9.
Insert a new Section 608.18 into the Plumbing Code to read as follows:
Fire hydrant use connections. Connection to a fire hydrant for any use other than firefighting operations shall require pre-approval by DC Water, shall be metered and shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608. The connection shall include a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1013, suitable for high-hazard applications, which shall carry a current inspection tag less than six (6) months old. The assembly shall be installed within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the hydrant water meter and ahead of any water outlet.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 12, r. 12-F608