Strike Section 606.2 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety without substitution.
Strike Section 606.3 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety and insert new Section 606.3 in the Green Construction Code in its place to read as follows:
606.3Duct and plenum insulation, sealing and testing. Supply and return air ducts and plenums, air handlers and filter boxes shall be insulated and sealed in accordance with Section C403. of the Energy Conservation Code and shall be tested using guidelines in Section 606.3.1.
Retain Subsection 606.3.1 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety.
Strike Section 606.4 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety without substitution.
Strike Section 606.5 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety and insert new Section 606.5 in the Green Construction Code in its place to read as follows:
606.5Economizers. Economizers shall comply with the requirements of the Energy Conservation Code.
Strike Section 606.6 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety and insert new Section 606.6 in the Green Construction Code in its place to read as follows:
606.6Variable air volume (VAV) fan control. Individual fans with motors equal to or greater than 5.0 horsepower (3.7285 kW) shall be one of the following:
1. Driven by a mechanical or electrical variable speed drive;2. Driven by a vane-axial fan with variable-pitch blades; or3. Provided with controls or devices that will result in fan motor demand of not more than 30 percent of its design wattage at 50 percent of design airflow when the static pressure set point equals one-third of the total design static pressure, based on manufacturer's certified fan data. For systems with direct digital control of individual zone boxes reporting to the central control panel, the static pressure set point shall be reset based on the zone requiring the most pressure. The set point shall be reset lower until one zone damper is wide open.
1. Systems without zone dampers are exempt from the static pressure reset requirements.2. Fans that are part of a required fire protection system. Strike Section 606.7 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety and insert new Section 606.7 in the Green Construction Code in its place to read as follows:
606.7Kitchen makeup air systems. Kitchen ventilation and exhaust systems shall be in accordance with the Mechanical Code and this section. Kitchen ventilation systems that deliver conditioned supply air to any space containing a kitchen hood shall not be capable of exceeding the greater of the following:
1. The supply airflow rate required to meet the conditioning load;2. The ventilation rate required for the area; or3. The hood exhaust flow minus the available transfer air from adjacent spaces. For the purposes of this section, available transfer air is considered to be that portion of outdoor ventilation air not required to satisfy other exhaust needs, such as restrooms, and not required to maintain pressurization of adjacent spaces. Strike Section 606.8 of the International Green Construction Code in its entirety and insert new Section 606.8 in the Green Construction Code in its place to read as follows.
606.8Laboratory exhaust systems. Laboratory exhaust systems shall comply with the provisions of the Energy Conservation Code except as specified in Section 606.8.1.
606.8.1 Laboratory exhaust systems. Buildings with laboratory exhaust systems having a total exhaust rate greater than 5,000 cfm (2360 L/s) shall be provided with one or more of the following:
1. A variable air volume (VAV) laboratory exhaust and room supply system capable of reducing exhaust and makeup air flow rates to the minimum required in the Mechanical Code.2. A heat recovery system to precondition makeup air from laboratory exhaust so that the percentage that the exhaust and makeup air flow rates can be reduced from design conditions plus the sensible recovery effectiveness percentage totals not less than 50 percent. The heat recovery system must be in compliance with the Mechanical Code and shall not be provided where the Mechanical Code prohibits such systems.3. Direct makeup auxiliary air supply equal to not less than 75 percent of the exhaust air flow rate capable of being heated and cooled to the design temperatures specified in Section C302.1 of the Energy Conservation Code.D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 12, r. 12-K606
Final Rulemaking published at 61 DCR 3356 (March 28, 2014 Part 2); as corrected by Errata Notice published at 61 DCR 5246 (May 23, 2014)The District of Columbia Green Construction Code (2013) , referred to as the "Green Construction Code," consists of the 2012 edition of the International Green Construction Code published by the International Code Council (ICC), as amended by the District of Columbia Green Construction Code Supplement (2013)(12 DCMR K). The International Green Construction Code is copyrighted by the International Code Council and therefore is not republished here. However, a copy of the text may be obtained at: Section 10 of the Construction Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986 (Act), effective March 21, 1987 (D.C. Law 6-216; D.C. Official Code § 6-1409 (2012 Repl.)) and Mayor"s Order 2009-22, dated February 25, 2009, as amended.