The provisions of this section set forth standards for buildings and structures with frontage(s) on a primary street.
Notwithstanding Subtitle K §§ 419.2 and 419.3, the fronts of buildings located at street intersections shall be constructed to the property lines abutting each intersecting street, without any setback, for a minimum of fifty feet (50 ft.) from the intersection, along each street frontage.
The corner of the building at the intersection of two (2) primary streets or a primary and secondary street shall incorporate articulation such as, but not limited to, being angled, curved, or chamfered to emphasize the corner.
The distance from the corner shall not exceed twenty feet (20 ft.), measured from the corner of the lot to the end of the angled or curved wall segment.
Entrances into a building shall be no more than fifty feet (50 ft.) apart and recessed no more than six feet (6 ft.) deep or ten feet (10 ft.) wide.
Buildings shall incorporate vertical elements in the street-facing fa?e to create a series of storefront-type bays where preferred uses are present.
Residential buildings shall have at least one (1) primary entrance directly accessible from the public sidewalk.
Instead of the windows required by Subtitle K § 418.1(d), on primary streets artwork and displays relating to activities occurring within the building shall be permitted as a special exception if approved by the Zoning Commission pursuant to Subtitle X, provided the applicant demonstrates that:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-K420