D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-3513
The following conditions shall apply to the By Right with Conditions (C) uses in § 3512.
Antennas shall be permitted subject to the standards and procedures that apply to the particular class of antenna in Chapter 27 of this title, which shall be applied to the WR zone as follows:
An Arts Design and Creation use shall be permitted if it is clearly incidental to and accessory to the primary residential use, and subject to the following:
An Emergency Shelter for one (1) to four (4) persons shall be a matter-of-right use. An Emergency Shelter for more than four (4) persons may be permitted as a Special Exception pursuant to § 3514.6.
In the WR-1 zone, Daytime Care uses shall be permitted by right subject to the following conditions:
Daytime Care uses shall be permitted by right subject to the following conditions in the WR-2, WR-3, WR-4, WR-5, WR-7, and WR-8 zones:
All Eating and Drinking Establishment uses shall be permitted by right except that:
Education (Public, Private, College/University) uses shall be permitted in the WR-7 zone only on Land Bay J.3.
Parking shall be permitted by right provided that all off-street parking is provided in compliance with the provisions of § 3530;
A sale in the nature of a yard sale, garage sale, or home sales party may be held at a dwelling unit at most four (4) times during a twelve (12) month period.
Service, General uses shall be permitted by right provided that a laundry or dry cleaning facility shall not exceed two thousand fine hundred square feet (2,500 sq. ft.) of gross floor area.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-3513