D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B5805

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

In order to satisfy the requirement that certain commitments be made by the applicant as a condition to receiving security deposit assistance, the applicant shall propose to engage in one or any combination of the following activities:

(a) Offering training courses to District of Columbia Public School teachers and administrators for the more efficient use of technology in the education process;
(b) Offering internships to District of Columbia Public School students throughout the calendar year;
(c) Offering employment to District of Columbia Public School students during the summer months;
(d) Offering technical support or expertise, including networking and maintaining computer systems and related activities as determined by the Mayor to further the purposes of the Act; or
(e) Any other activity or assistance deemed appropriate or acceptable by the Mayor.

The statement of commitments shall serve as the basis for an agreement between the Mayor and the applicant that shall include, but not be limited to, the following terms:

(a) The level and extent of the security deposit assistance or other benefit to be provided to the applicant;
(b) The specific activities to be engaged in by the applicant in exchange for the security deposit assistance or other benefit;
(c) A requirement that the applicant provide the Mayor with a status report on the activities; and
(d) A description of the adverse action that may be taken against the applicant for the applicant's failure to conduct the activities agreed to, which may include:
(1) A repayment by the applicant of any security deposit assistance provided (with interest);
(2) The disallowance of any credit or other benefit claimed by the Qualified High Technology Company under the Act; or
(3) Any other action authorized by law.

If the Mayor determines that an applicant has failed to engage in the activities agreed upon in accordance with this section, prior to taking any adverse action against the applicant, the Mayor shall notify the applicant of the deficiency. The applicant shall cure the deficiency within 30 days from the date of the notice, or within a longer period of time following the notice, as determined by the Mayor in writing. If the applicant fails to cure the deficiency within the allotted time period, the Mayor may take appropriate adverse action against the applicant in accordance with this section.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B5805

Final Rulemaking published at 49 DCR 7502(August 2, 2002)