D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2803

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

Persons desiring certification as a Registered Land Surveyor in the District of Columbia shall file an application with the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia accompanied with a non-refundable prescribed application fee.


The application for registration as a Registered Land Surveyor shall be signed and notarized, be on the form as prescribed by the Office of the Surveyor and shall contain the following provision:

"Upon certification as a Registered Land Surveyor I hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the District of Columbia, its officers, and employees for all claims or liability arising from, based upon, or as a consequence or result of any act, omission or default of myself or of my employees in the performance of, or in connection with, any survey work I perform or that I certify pursuant to chapter 28 of title 10 DCMR."


Each person applying for registration shall clearly describe the diversity and extent of experience attained in both field and office, together with the periods of each level of responsibility or authority in performing the duties relating to the experience.


The person applying for registration shall arrange to have statements submitted to the Office of the Surveyor by not less than three (3) people who are not related to that applicant, who have known that applicant for a least three (3) years and who are registered land surveyors or registered professional engineers in the United States of America. The statements shall attest to the applicant's good character, reputation, experience, and knowledge of property line surveying in the District of Columbia.


Persons applying for registration shall meet at least one of the following requirements and the requirement of § 2803.6:

(a) Be currently licensed to practice boundary surveying in the United States of America and has at least four (4) years of the qualifying practical surveying experience in the District of Columbia, as set forth in § 2899; or
(b) Be a registered civil engineer in the District of Columbia with at least four (4) years of the qualifying practical experience surveying in the District of Columbia, as set forth in § 2899; Provided, that the person must have had at least one semester of plane surveying as a requirement for graduation that occurred prior to the effective date of this chapter.

A person who meets the requirement of § 2803.5 shall also pass a written examination prescribed by the Office of the Surveyor for evaluating the person's knowledge level of the system of records and surveying practices of the Office of the Surveyor.


Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, the D.C. Surveyor may register persons who have worked in the Office of the Surveyor in a capacity as either a field party chief, a chief of the field survey division, the D.C. Surveyor, or the D.C. Deputy division; Provided, that a field party chief, or a chief or surveys shall have served a period of at least ten (10) years in one or a combination of these positions and the D.C. Surveyor or the D.C. Deputy Surveyor shall have served for at least six (6) years in one or a combination these positions.


Prior to approving the application, the Office of the Surveyor may verify any information submitted by a person who applies for registration.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2803

Final Rulemaking published at 38 DCR 2131, 2132 (April 12, 1991)