D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-A627
The District needs to set high standards for its own operations if it expects others in the community to follow suit. It should be a role model in energy efficiency, green building construction, low impact development, and environmentally sound landscaping. It should lead the way in recycling and composting solid waste, using recycled goods, and procuring "green power." 627.1
In 2003, a Mayor's Order established a "Greening the Government" subcommittee comprised of directors from almost 20 District agencies. The subcommittee was charged with setting priorities and measurable goals to further energy efficiency and environmental health in District government workplaces. It was asked to implement energy efficiency measures, educate the District workforce, and bring green building practices into District buildings. The subcommittee produced a Strategic Plan in 2004; key elements of that Plan are summarized in the policies and actions below. 627.2
Policy E-5.1.1: Low Impact Development and Green Building Methods for the District
Strongly encourage the use of low impact development (LID) methods and green building design methods and materials in new construction and major rehabilitation projects undertaken by the District of Columbia government. 627.3
Policy E-5.1.2: Environmental Audits
Conduct environmental "audits," including energy audits, of District government facilities to guide decisions about retrofits and other conservation measures. Environmental audits should also be required any time the District leases space for government use. 627.4
Policy E-5.1.3: Environmentally Friendly Government Operations
Promote energy efficient and environmentally friendly District government operations, including the purchase of recycled and recyclable products, procurement of "green power" for District operations where feasible, the use of energy saving equipment, and contracting practices which include incentives for sustainable technology. 627.5
Policy E-5.1.4: Sustainable Landscaping
Encourage landscaping practices on District properties that reduce the need for watering and mowing, control the spread of invasive species, increase the use of landscaping for stormwater management, and reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides. 627.6
Action E-5.1.A: Green Building Legislation
Adopt and implement legislation establishing green building standards for projects constructed by the District of Columbia or receiving funding assistance from the District of Columbia. 627.7
Action E-5.1.B: Energy Management Plans
Require the submittal and periodic updating of Energy Management Plans by District agencies. These plans should establish baseline data for assessing the effectiveness of each agency's energy conservation measures. 627.8
The provisions of Title 10, Part A of the DCMR accessible through this web interface are codification of the District Elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital. As such, they do not represent the organic provisions adopted by the Council of the District of Columbia. The official version of the District Elements only appears as a hard copy volume of Title 10, Part A published pursuant to section 9 a of the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act of 1994, effective April 10, 1984 (D.C. Law 5-76; D.C. Official Code § 1 -301.66)) . In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions accessible through this site and the provisions contained in the published version of Title 10, Part A, the provisions contained in the published version govern. A copy of the published District Elements is available www.planning.dc.gov.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-A627