Guarantee made this [date] by [name of State], herein referred to as Guarantor, to Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and to any and all third parties, and obliges, on behalf of [Local Government Owner or Operator].
List for each Facility: the name and address of the Facility where ASTs assured by this Guarantee are located, and indicate which ASTs are assured by this Guarantee. List each AST by the AST identification number provided in the registration form submitted pursuant to Part A of this regulation.
AST Facility I.D. Number: ____________________ (as listed on DNREC registration certificate)
Facility Name: ______________________________________________________________
Facility Street: ______________________________________________________________
Facility City: _____________________________________ Facility Zip Code: ____________
This guarantee satisfies PART D, requirements for assuring funding for [insert: "taking Corrective Action" and/or "compensating third parties for Bodily Injury and Property Damage caused by" either "sudden Accidental Releases" or "nonsudden Accidental Releases" or "Accidental Releases"; if coverage is different for different ASTs or locations, indicate the type of coverage applicable to each AST or location] arising from operating the above-identified AST(s) in the amount of [insert dollar amount] per Occurrence and [insert dollar amount] Annual Aggregate.
In the event that [Local Government Owner or Operator] fails to provide alternative coverage within 60 days after receipt of a notice of cancellation of this guarantee and the Department has determined or suspects that a Release has occurred at an AST covered by this guarantee, the Guarantor, upon instructions from the Department shall fund a standby trust fund in accordance with the provisions of Part D, Section § 18.0 in an amount not to exceed the coverage limits specified above.
In the event that the Department determines that [Local Government Owner or Operator] has failed to perform Corrective Action for Releases arising out of the operation of the above-identified tank(s) in accordance with Part E of this regulation the Guarantor upon written instructions from the Department shall fund a standby trust fund in accordance with the provisions of PART D, Section 18.0 in an amount not to exceed the coverage limits specified above.
If [Owner or Operator] fails to satisfy a judgment or award based on a determination of liability for Bodily Injury or Property Damage to third parties caused by ["sudden" and/or "nonsudden"] Accidental Releases arising from the operation of the above-identified tank(s), or fails to pay an amount agreed to in settlement of a claim arising from or alleged to arise from such injury or damage, the Guarantor, upon written instructions from the Department, shall fund a standby trust in accordance with the provisions of PART D, Section 18.0 to satisfy such judgment(s), award(s), or settlement agreement(s) up to the limits of coverage specified above.
I hereby certify that the wording of this guarantee is identical to the wording specified in Part D, Section 33.0, Form M of the Delaware Regulations Governing Aboveground Storage Tanks as such Regulations were constituted on the Effective Date shown immediately below.
Effective Date: __________________________________________________________
Name of Guarantor: ______________________________________________________
Print legibly or type
Authorized signature for Guarantor: __________________________________________
Name of Person signing: ___________________________________________________
Print legibly or type
Title of Person signing: ____________________________________________________
Print legibly or type
Signature of witness or notary:_______________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________
7 Del. Admin. Code § 1352-D-33.0
27 DE Reg. 536 (1/1/2024) (Final)