7 Del. Admin. Code § 1302-260-B-260.10

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1302-260-B-260.10 - Definitions

When used in Parts 260 through 273 of these regulations, the following terms have the meanings given below:

"Aboveground tank" means a device meeting the definition of "tank" in § 260.10 and that is situated in such a way that the entire surface area of the tank is completely above the plane of the adjacent surrounding surface and the entire surface area of the tank (including the tank bottom) is able to be visually inspected.

"Act" or "RCRA" means the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.

"Active life" of a facility means the period from the initial receipt of hazardous waste at the facility until the Secretary receives certification of final closure.

"Active portion" means that portion of a facility where treatment, storage, or disposal operations are being or have been conducted after the effective date of Part 261 of these regulations and which is not a closed portion. (See also "closed portion" and "inactive portion".)

"Activity" means construction, operation, or use of any facility, site, property or device.

"Acute hazardous waste" means hazardous wastes that meet the listing criteria in § 261.11(a)(2) and therefore are either listed in § 261.31 of these regulations with the assigned hazard code of (H) or are listed in § 261.33(e) of these regulations.

"Administrator" means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, or his designee.

"Aerosol can" means a non-refillable receptacle containing a gas compressed, liquefied, or dissolved under pressure, the sole purpose of which is to expel a liquid, paste, or powder and fitted with a self-closing release device allowing the contents to be ejected by the gas.

"AES filing compliance date" means the date that EPA announced in the Federal Register, on or after which exporters of hazardous waste and exporters of cathode ray tubes for recycling are required to file EPA information in the Automated Export System or its successor system, under the International Trade Data System (ITDS) platform. The AES filing compliance date is December 31, 2017.

"Airbag waste" means any hazardous waste airbag modules or hazardous waste airbag inflators.

"Airbag waste collection facility" means any facility that receives airbag waste from airbag handlers subject to regulation under § 261.4(j) of these regulations, and accumulates the waste for more than ten days.

"Airbag waste handler" means any person, by site, who generates airbag waste that is subject to regulation under these regulations.

"Ancillary equipment" means any device including, but not limited to, such devices as piping, fittings, flanges, valves, and pumps that is used to distribute, meter, or control the flow of hazardous waste from its point of generation to a storage or treatment tank(s), between hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks to a point of disposal on-site, or to a point of shipment for disposal off-site.

"Aquifer" means a geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation capable of yielding a significant amount of ground water to wells or springs.

"Authorized representative" means the person responsible for the overall operation of a facility or an operational unit (i.e., part of a facility), e.g., the plant manager, superintendent or person of equivalent responsibility.

"Battery" means a device consisting of one or more electrically connected electrochemical cells which is designed to receive, store, and deliver electric energy. An electrochemical cell is a system consisting of an anode, cathode, and an electrolyte, plus such connections (electrical and mechanical) as may be needed to allow the cell to deliver or receive electrical energy. The term battery also includes an intact, unbroken battery from which the electrolyte has been removed.

"Boiler" means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion and having the following characteristics:


(i) The unit must have physical provisions for recovering and exporting thermal energy in the form of steam, heated fluids, or heated gases; and

(ii) The unit's combustion chamber and primary energy recovery section(s) must be of integral design. To be of integral design, the combustion chamber and the primary energy recovery section(s) (such as waterwalls and superheaters) must be physically formed into one manufactured or assembled unit. A unit in which the combustion chamber and the primary energy recovery section(s) are joined only by ducts or connections carrying flue gas is not integrally designed; however, secondary energy recovery equipment (such as economizers or air preheaters) need not be physically formed into the same unit as the combustion chamber, and the primary energy recovery section. The following units are not precluded from being boilers solely because they are not of integral design: process heaters (units that transfer energy directly to a process stream), and fluidized bed combustion units; and

(iii) While in operation, the unit must maintain a thermal energy recovery efficiency of at least 60 percent, calculated in terms of the recovered energy compared with the thermal value of the fuel; and

(iv) The unit must export and utilize at least 75 percent of the recovered energy, calculated on an annual basis. In this calculation, no credit shall be given for recovered heat used internally in the same unit. (Examples of internal use are the preheating of fuel or combustion air, and the driving of induced or forced draft fans or feed water pumps); or

(2) The unit is one which the Secretary has determined, on a case-by-case basis to be a boiler, after considering standards in § 260.32.

"Carbon regeneration unit" means any enclosed thermal treatment device used to regenerate spent activated carbon.

"Cathode ray tube" or "CRT" means a vacuum tube, composed primarily of glass, which is the visual or video display component of an electronic device. A used, intact CRT means a CRT whose vacuum has not been released. A used, broken CRT means glass removed from its housing or casing whose vacuum has been released.

"Central accumulation area" means any on-site hazardous waste accumulation area with hazardous waste accumulating in units subject to either § 262.16 (for small quantity generators) or § 262.17 (for large quantity generators) of these regulations.

"Certification" means a statement of professional opinion based on knowledge and belief.

"CFR" means Code of Federal Regulations.

"Closed portion" means that portion of a facility which an owner or operator has closed in accordance with the approved facility closure plan and all applicable closure requirements. (See also "active portion" and "inactive portion".)

"College/University"means a private or public, post-secondary, degree-granting, academic institution, that is accredited by an accrediting agency listed annually by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Commingling" means the transfer of hazardous wastes between DOT approved containers performed by a hazardous waste transporter where the containers holding such wastes may be opened and mixed with other hazardous waste.

"Commission" means the Commission on the Transportation of Hazardous Materials.

"Component" means either the tank or ancillary equipment of a tank system.

"Confined aquifer" means an aquifer bounded above and below by impermeable beds or by beds of distinctly lower permeability than that of the aquifer itself; an aquifer containing confined ground water.

"Consolidation" means the transfer of containers of hazardous wastes between transport conveyances by a hazardous waste transporter where the containers holding such wastes are not opened or the wastes repackaged.

"Contained" means held in a unit (including a land-based unit as defined in this subpart) that meets the following criteria:

(1) The unit is in good condition, with no leaks or other continuing or intermittent unpermitted releases of the hazardous secondary materials to the environment, and is designed, as appropriate for the hazardous secondary materials, to prevent releases of hazardous secondary materials to the environment. Unpermitted releases are releases that are not covered by a permit (such as a permit to discharge to water or air) and may include, but are not limited to, releases through surface transport by precipitation runoff, releases to soil and groundwater, wind-blown dust, fugitive air emissions, and catastrophic unit failures; and

(2) The unit is properly labeled or otherwise has a system (such as a log) to immediately identify the hazardous secondary materials in the unit; and

(3) The unit holds hazardous secondary materials that are compatible with other hazardous secondary materials placed in the unit and is compatible with the materials used to construct the unit and addresses any potential risks of fires or explosions.

(4) Hazardous secondary materials in units that meet the applicable requirements of Parts 264 or 265 are presumptively contained.

"Container" means any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled.

"Containment building" means a hazardous waste management unit that is used to store or treat hazardous waste under the provisions of Subpart DD of Parts 264 or 265 of these regulations.

"Contingency plan" means a document setting out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment.

"Corrosion expert" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of the physical sciences and the principles of engineering and mathematics, acquired by a professional education and related practical experience, is qualified to engage in the practice of corrosion control on buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal tanks. Such a person must be certified as being qualified by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) or be a registered professional engineer who has certification or licensing that includes education and experience in corrosion control on buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal tanks.

"CRT collector" means a person who receives used, intact CRTs for recycling, repair, resale, or donation. [Note: CRT collectors must also comply with the requirements of Delaware's Regulations Governing Solid Waste.]

"CRT exporter" means any person in the United States who initiates a transaction to send used CRTs outside the United States or its territories for recycling or reuse, or any intermediary in the United States arranging for such export.

"CRT generator" means a person by site other than a household who offers CRT's for collection or recycling.

"CRT glass manufacturer" means an operation or part of an operation that uses a furnace to manufacture CRT glass. [Note: CRT glass manufactures must also comply with the requirements of Delaware's Regulations Governing Solid Waste.]

"CRT processing" means conducting any of the following activities:

(1) Receiving broken or intact CRTs; or

(2) Intentionally breaking intact CRTs or further breaking or separating broken CRTs; or

(3) Sorting or otherwise managing glass removed from CRT monitors.

[Note: CRT processing and processors must also comply with the requirements of Delaware's Regulations Governing Solid Waste.]

"Department" means the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control of the State of Delaware.

"Designated facility"

(1) means a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility which

(i) has received a permit (or interim status) in accordance with the requirements of Parts 122 or 124 of these regulations,

(ii) has received a permit (or interim status) from a State authorized in accordance with 40 CFR Part 271 or

(iii) is regulated under § 261.6(c)(2) or Subpart F of Part 266 of these regulations, or

(iv) that has been designated on the manifest by the generator pursuant to § 260.20.

(2) "Designated facility"also means a generator site designated on the manifest to receive its waste as a return shipment from a facility that has rejected the waste in accordance with § 264.72(f) or § 265.72(f) of these regulations.

(3) If a waste is destined to a facility in an authorized State which has not yet obtained authorization to regulate that particular waste as hazardous, then the designated facility must be a facility allowed by the receiving State to accept such waste.

"Destination facility" means a facility that treats, disposes of, or recycles a particular category of universal waste, except those management activities described in paragraphs (a) and (c) of §§ 273.13 and 273.33 of these regulations. A facility at which a particular category of universal waste is only accumulated, is not a destination facility for purposes of managing that category of universal waste.

"Dike" means an embankment or ridge of either natural or man-made materials used to prevent the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials.

"Dioxins and furans (D/F)" means tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, and octa-chlorinated dibenzo dioxins and furans.

"Discharge" or "hazardous waste discharge" means the accidental or intentional spilling, leaking, pumping, purging, emitting, emptying, or dumping of hazardous waste into or on any land or water.

"Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground waters.

"Disposal facility" means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is intentionally placed into or on any land or water, and at which waste will remain after closure. The term disposal facility does not include a corrective action management unit into which remediation wastes are placed.

"Division" means the Division of Air and Waste Management.

"Drip pad" is an engineered structure consisting of a curbed, free-draining base, constructed of non-earthen materials and designed to convey preservative kick-back or drippage from treated wood, precipitation, and surface water run-on to an associated collection system at wood preserving plants.

"Electronic import-export reporting compliance date" means the date that EPA announces in the Federal Register, on or after which exporters, importers, and receiving facilities are required to submit certain export and import related documents to EPA using EPA's Waste Import Export Tracking System, or its successor system.

"Electronic manifest" (or "e-Manifest") means the electronic format of the hazardous waste manifest that is obtained from EPA's national e-Manifest system and transmitted electronically to the system, and that is the legal equivalent of EPA Forms 8700-22 (Manifest) and 8700-22A (Continuation Sheet).

"Electronic Manifest System" (or "e-Manifest System") means EPA's national information technology system through which the electronic manifest may be obtained, completed, transmitted, and distributed to users of the electronic manifest and to regulatory agencies.

"Elementary neutralization unit" means a device which:

(1) Is used for neutralizing wastes that are hazardous only because they exhibit the corrosivity characteristic defined in § 261.22 of these regulations, or are listed in Subpart D of Part 261 of these regulations only for this reason; and,

(2) Meets the definition of tank, tank system, container, transport vehicle, or vessel in § 260.10 of these regulations.

"EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

"EPA hazardous waste number" means the number assigned by DNREC to each hazardous waste listed in Part 261, Subpart D, of these regulations and to each characteristic identified in Part 261, Subpart C, of these regulations.

"EPA Identification Number" means the number assigned by DNREC to each generator, transporter, and treatment, storage, or disposal facility.

"EPA region" means the states and territories found in any one of the following ten regions:

Region I - Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Region II - New York, New Jersey, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands.

Region III - Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Region IV - Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida.

Region V - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.

Region VI - New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.

Region VII - Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa.

Region VIII - Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Colorado.

Region IX - California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Region X - Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska.

"Engineer" means an engineer registered and authorized to practice in Delaware as a Professional Engineer by the "Delaware Association of Professional Engineers".

"Equivalent method" means any testing or analytical method approved by the Secretary under Part 260 of Subpart C of these regulations.

"Existing hazardous waste management (HWM) facility" or "existing facility" means a facility which was in operation or for which construction commenced on or before November 19, 1980. A facility has commenced construction if:

(1) The owner or operator has obtained the Federal, State and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical construction; and either

(2)(i) A continuous on-site, physical construction program has begun; or

(ii) The owner or operator has entered into contractual obligations - which cannot be canceled or modified without substantial loss - for physical construction of the facility to be completed within a reasonable time. Within this definition, "Federal, State and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical construction" means permits and approvals required under Federal, State or local hazardous waste control statutes, regulations or ordinances.

"Existing portion" means that land surface area of an existing waste management unit included in the original Part A application, on which wastes have been placed prior to the issuance of a permit.

"Existing tank system" or "existing component" means a tank system or component that is used for the storage or treatment of hazardous waste and that is in operation, or for which installation has commenced on or prior to July 14, 1986 for HSWA tanks, as defined in § 260.10, or August 29, 1988 for non-HSWA tanks, as defined in § 260.10. Installation will be considered to have commenced if (1) the owner or operator has obtained all Federal, State, and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical construction of the site or installation of the tank system; and (2) either (i) a continuous on-site physical construction or installation program has begun, or (ii) the owner or operator has entered into contractual obligations - which cannot be canceled or modified without substantial loss - for physical construction of the site or installation of the tank system to be completed within a reasonable time.

"Explosives or munitions emergency" means a situation involving the suspected or detected presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO), damaged or deteriorated explosives or munitions, an improvised explosive device (IED), other potentially explosive material or device, or other potentially harmful military chemical munitions or device, that creates an actual or potential imminent threat to human health, including safety, or the environment, including property, as determined by an explosives or munitions emergency response specialist. Such situations may require immediate and expeditious action by an explosives or munitions emergency response specialist to control, mitigate, or eliminate the threat.

"Explosives or munitions emergency response" means all immediate response activities by an explosives and munitions emergency response specialist to control, mitigate, or eliminate the actual or potential threat encountered during an explosives or munitions emergency. An explosives or munitions emergency response may include in-place render-safe procedures, treatment or destruction of the explosives or munitions and/or transporting those items to another location to be rendered safe, treated, or destroyed. Any reasonable delay in the completion of an explosives or munitions emergency response caused by a necessary, unforeseen, or uncontrollable circumstance will not terminate the explosives or munitions emergency. Explosives and munitions emergency responses can occur on either public or private lands and are not limited to responses at RCRA facilities.

"Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist" means an individual trained in chemical or conventional munitions or explosives handling, transportation, render-safe procedures, or destruction techniques. Explosives or munitions emergency response specialists include Department of Defense (DOD) emergency explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), technical escort unit (TEU), and DOD-certified civilian or contractor personnel; and other Federal, State, or local government, or civilian personnel similarly trained in explosives or munitions emergency responses.

"Facility" or "Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) Facility" means:

1. All contiguous land, and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A facility may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal operational units (e.g., one or more landfills, surface impoundments, or combination of them).

2. For the purpose of implementing corrective action under § 264.101, all contiguous property under the control of the owner or operator seeking a permit under 7 Del.C., Chapter 63. This definition also applies to facilities implementing corrective action under 7 Del.C., Chapter 63.

3. Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of this definition, a remediation waste management site is not a facility that is subject to § 264.101, but is subject to corrective action requirements if the site is located within such a facility.

"Federal agency" means any department, agency, or other instrumentality of the Federal Government, any independent agency or establishment of the Federal Government including any Government corporation, and the Government Printing Office.

"Federal, State and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical construction" means permits and approvals required under Federal, State or local hazardous waste control statutes, regulations or ordinances.

"Final closure" means the closure of all hazardous waste management units at the facility in accordance with all applicable closure requirements so that hazardous waste management activities under Parts 264 and 265 of these regulations are no longer conducted at the facility unless subject to the provisions in § 262.34.

"Food-chain crops" means tobacco, crops grown for human consumption, and crops grown for feed for animals whose products are consumed by humans.

"Freeboard" means the vertical distance between the top of a tank or surface impoundment dike, and the surface of the waste contained therein.

"Free liquids" means liquids which readily separate from the solid portion of a waste under ambient temperature and pressure.

"Generator" means any person, by site, whose act or process produces hazardous waste identified or listed in Part 261 of these regulations or whose act first causes a hazardous waste to become subject to regulation.

"Geologist" means a geologist registered by the "Delaware State Board of Registration of Geologists." "Ground-water" means water below the land surface in a zone of saturation.

"HSWA tank" means a tank owned or operated by a small quantity hazardous waste generator, a new underground tank, or a tank which cannot be entered for inspection.

"Hazardous secondary material" means a secondary material (e.g., spent material, byproduct, or sludge) that, when discarded, would be identified as hazardous waste under Part 261 of these regulations.

"Hazardous waste" means a hazardous waste as defined in § 261.3 of these regulations.

"Hazardous waste constituent" means a constituent which caused the Secretary to list the hazardous waste in Part 261, Subpart D of these regulations, or a constituent listed in Table 1 of § 261.24 of these regulations.

"Hazardous waste management unit" is a contiguous area of land on or in which hazardous waste is placed, or the largest area in which there is significant likelihood of mixing hazardous waste constituents in the same area. Examples of hazardous waste management units include a surface impoundment, a waste pile, a land treatment area, a landfill cell, an incinerator, a tank and its associated piping and underlying containment system and a container storage area. A container alone does not constitute a unit; the unit includes containers and the land or pad upon which they are placed.

"Inactive portion" means that portion of a facility which is not operated after the effective date of Part 261 of these regulations. (See also "active portion" and "closed portion".)

"Incinerator" means any enclosed device that:

(1) Uses controlled flame combustion and neither meets the criteria for classification as a boiler, sludge dryer, or carbon regeneration unit, nor is listed as an industrial furnace; or

(2) Meets the definition of infrared incinerator or plasma arc incinerator.

"Incompatible waste" means a hazardous waste which is unsuitable for:

(1) Placement in a particular device or facility because it may cause corrosion or decay of containment materials (e.g., container inner liners or tank walls); or

(2) Commingling with another waste or material under uncontrolled conditions because the commingling might produce heat or pressure, fire or explosion, violent reaction, toxic dusts, mists, fumes, or gases, or flammable fumes or gases. (See appendix V of parts 264 and 265 of this chapter for examples.)

"Individual generation site" means the contiguous site at or on which one or more hazardous wastes are generated. An individual generation site, such as a large manufacturing plant, may have one or more sources of hazardous waste but is considered a single or individual generation site if the site or property is contiguous.

"Industrial furnace" means any of the following enclosed devices that are integral components of manufacturing processes and that use thermal treatment to accomplish recovery of materials or energy:

(1) Cement kilns

(2) Lime kilns

(3) Aggregate kilns

(4) Phosphate kilns

(5) Coke ovens

(6) Blast furnaces

(7) Smelting, melting and refining furnaces (including pyrometallurgical devices such as cupolas, reverberator furnaces, sintering machine, roasters, and foundry furnaces)

(8) Titanium dioxide chloride process oxidation reactors

(9) Methane reforming furnaces

(10) Pulping liquor recovery furnaces

(11) Combustion devices used in the recovery of sulfur values from spent sulfuric acid

(12) Halogen acid furnaces (HAFs) for the production of acid from halogenated hazardous waste generated by chemical production facilities where the furnace is located on the site of a chemical production facility, the acid product has a halogen acid content of at least 3%, the acid product is used in a manufacturing process, and, except for hazardous waste burned as fuel, hazardous waste fed to the furnace has a minimum halogen content of 20% as-generated.

(13) Such other devices as the Secretary may, after notice and comment, add to this list on the basis of one or more of the following factors.

(i) The design and use of the device primarily to accomplish recovery of material products;

(ii) The use of the device to burn or reduce raw materials to make a material product;

(iii) The use of the device to burn or reduce secondary materials as effective substitutes for raw materials, in processes using raw materials as principal feedstocks;

(iv) The use of the device to burn or reduce secondary materials as ingredients in an industrial process to make a material product;

(v) The use of the device in common industrial practice to produce a material product; and

(vi) Other factors, as appropriate.

"Infrared incinerator" means any enclosed device that uses electric powered resistance heaters as a source of radiant heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

"Inground tank" means a device meeting the definition of "tank" in § 260.10 whereby a portion of the tank wall is situated to any degree within the ground, thereby preventing visual inspection of that external surface area of the tank that is in the ground.

"Injection well" means a well into which fluids are injected. (See also "underground injection".)

"Inner liner" means a continuous layer of material placed inside a tank or container which protects the construction materials of the tank or container from the contained waste or reagents used to treat the waste.

"In operation" refers to a facility which is treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste.

"Installation inspector" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of the physical sciences and the principles of engineering, acquired by a professional education and related practical experience, is qualified to supervise the installation of tank systems.

"International shipment" means the transportation of hazardous waste into or out of the jurisdiction of the United States.

"Lamp" also referred to as "universal waste lamp", is defined as the bulb or tube portion of an electric lighting device. A lamp is specifically designed to produce radiant energy, most often in the ultraviolet, visible, and infra-red regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Examples of common universal waste electric lamps include, but are not limited to, fluorescent, high intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium, and metal halide lamps.

"Landfill" means a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave, or a corrective action management unit.

"Land-based unit" means an area where hazardous secondary materials are placed in or on the land before recycling. This definition does not include land-based production units.

"Landfill cell" means a discrete volume of a hazardous waste landfill which uses a liner to provide isolation of wastes from adjacent cells or wastes. Examples of landfill cells are trenches and pits.

"Land treatment facility" means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal facilities if the waste will remain after closure.

"Large quantity generator" means a generator who generates any of the following amounts in a calendar month:

(1) Greater than or equal to 1,000 kilograms (=2,200 pounds) of non-acute hazardous waste; or

(2) Greater than 1 kilogram (=2.2 pounds) of acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations; or

(3) Greater than 100 kilograms (=220 pounds) of any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of any acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations.

"Leachate" means any liquid, including any suspended components in the liquid, that has percolated through or drained from hazardous waste.

"Leak-detection system" means a system capable of detecting the failure of either the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of hazardous waste or accumulated liquid in the secondary containment structure. Such a system must employ operational controls (e.g., daily visual inspections for releases into the secondary containment system of aboveground tank) or consist of an interstitial monitoring device designed to detect continuously and automatically the failure of the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of hazardous waste into the secondary containment structure.

"Liner" means a continuous layer of natural or man-made materials, beneath or on the sides of a surface impoundment, landfill, or landfill cell, which restricts the downward or lateral escape of hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, or leachate.

"Management" or "hazardous waste management" means the systematic control of the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, recovery, and disposal of hazardous waste.

"Manifest" means the shipping document EPA form 8700-22, and if necessary, EPA form 8700-22A, or the electronic manifest, originated and signed by the generator or offeror in accordance with the instructions included in Part 262 of these regulations and the applicable requirements of DRGHW parts 262 through 265.

"Manifest tracking number" means: The alphanumeric identification number (i.e., a unique three letter suffix preceded by nine numerical digits), which is pre-printed in Item 4 of the Manifest by a registered source.

"Mercury-containing equipment" means a device or part of a device (including thermostats, but excluding batteries and lamps) that contain elemental mercury integral to its function.

"Military munitions" means all ammunition products and components produced or used by or for the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. Armed Services for national defense and security, including military munitions under the control of the Department of Defense, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and National Guard personnel. The term military munitions includes: confined gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics, chemical and riot control agents, smokes, and incendiaries used by DOD components, including bulk explosives and chemical warfare agents, chemical munitions, rockets, guided and ballistic missiles, bombs, warheads, mortar rounds, artillery ammunition, small arms ammunition, grenades, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, cluster munitions and dispensers, demolition charges, and devices and components thereof. Military munitions do not include wholly inert items, improvised explosive devices, and nuclear weapons, nuclear devices, and nuclear components thereof. However, the term does include non-nuclear components of nuclear devices, managed under DOE's nuclear weapons program after all required sanitization operations under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, have been completed.

"Mining overburden returned to the mine site" means any material overlying an economic mineral deposit which is removed to gain access to that deposit and is then used for reclamation of a surface mine.

"Miscellaneous unit" means a hazardous waste management unit where hazardous waste is treated, stored, or disposed of and that is not a container, tank, surface impoundment, pile, land treatment unit, landfill, incinerator, boiler, industrial furnace, underground injection well with appropriate technical standards under 40 CFR Part 146, containment building, corrective active management unit, unit eligible for a research, development, and demonstration permit under § 122.65, or staging pile.

"Movement" means that hazardous waste transported to a facility in an individual vehicle.

"New hazardous waste management facility" or "new facility" means a facility which began operation, or for which construction commenced after November 19, 1980. (See also "Existing hazardous waste management facility".)

"New tank system" or "new tank component" means a tank system or component that will be used for storage or treatment of hazardous waste and for which installation has commenced after July 14, 1986 for HSWA tanks, as defined in § 260.10; except, however, for purposes of § 264.193(g)(2) and 265.193(g)(2), a new tank system is one for which construction commences after July 14, 1986 for HSWA tanks and August 29, 1988 for non-HSWA tanks. (See also "existing tank system.")

"Non-acute hazardous waste" means all hazardous wastes that are not acute hazardous waste, as defined in this section.

"Non-HSWA tank" means a tank which is not owned or operated by a small quantity hazardous waste generator and is either an existing underground tank or a tank that can be entered for inspection.

"Onground tank" means a device meeting the definition of "tank" in § 260.10 and that is situated in such a way that the bottom of the tank is on the same level as the adjacent surrounding surface so that the external tank bottom cannot be visually inspected.

"On-site" means the same or geographically contiguous property which may be divided by public or private right-of-way, provided the entrance and exit between the properties is at a cross-roads intersection, and access is by crossing as opposed to going along, the right-of-way. Non-contiguous properties owned by the same person but connected by a right-of-way which he controls and to which the public does not have access, is also considered on-site property.

"Open burning" means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:

(1) Control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient combustion;

(2) Containment of the combustion reaction in an enclosed device to provide sufficient reside

(3) Control of emission of the gaseous combustion products. (See also "incineration" and "thermal treatment".)

"Operator" means the person responsible for the overall operation of a facility.

"Owner" means the person who owns a facility or part of a facility.

"Partial closure" means the closure of a hazardous waste management unit in accordance with the applicable closure requirements of Parts 264 and 265 of these regulations at a facility that contains other active hazardous waste management units. For example, partial closure may include the closure of a tank (including its associated piping and underlying containment systems), landfill cell, surface impoundment, waste pile, or other hazardous waste management unit, while other units of the same facility continue to operate.

"Person" means an individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, Federal Agency, corporation (including a government corporation), partnership, association, State, municipality, commission, political subdivision of a State, or any interstate body.

"Personnel" or "facility personnel" means all persons who work at, or oversee the operations of, a hazardous waste facility, and whose actions or failure to act may result in noncompliance with the requirements of Parts 264 or 265 of these regulations. For the purpose of personnel training, the definition of personnel or facility personnel includes emergency coordinators.

"Pesticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant, other than any article that:

(1) Is a new animal drug under FFDCA section 201(w), or

(2) Is an animal drug that has been determined by regulation of the Secretary of Health and Human Services not to be a new animal drug, or

(3) Is an animal feed under FFDCA section 201(x) that bears or contains any substances described by paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition.

"Pile" means any non-containerized accumulation of solid, nonflowing hazardous waste that is used for treatment or storage and that is not a containment building.

"Plasma arc incinerator" means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

"Point source" means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including, but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or vessel or other floating craft, from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture.

"Publicly owned treatment works" or "POTW" means any device or system used in the treatment (including recycling and reclamation) of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is owned by a "State" or "municipality" (as defined by §502(4) of the CWA). This definition includes sewers, pipes, or other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW providing treatment.

"Qualified Engineer" or "Qualified Geologist" shall mean that the responsible professional geologist or engineer is qualified by training and experience to gather and evaluate the data required by these regulations.

"Qualified Ground-Water Scientist" means a scientist or engineer who has received a baccalaureate or post-graduate degree in the natural sciences or engineering, and has sufficient training and experience in ground-water hydrology and related fields as may be demonstrated by state registration, professional certifications, or completion of accredited university courses that enable that individual to make sound professional judgments regarding ground-water monitoring and contaminant fate and transport.

"Recognized trader" means a person domiciled in the United States, by site of business, who acts to arrange and facilitate transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery or disposal operations, either by purchasing from and subsequently selling to United States and foreign facilities, or by acting under arrangements with a United States waste facility to arrange for the export or import of the wastes.

"Regional Administrator" means the Regional Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency Region in which the facility is located, or his designee.

"Remediation waste" means all solid and hazardous wastes, and all media (including ground water, surface water, soils, and sediments) and debris, that are managed for implementing clean-up.

"Remediation waste management site" means a facility where an owner or operator is or will be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous remediation wastes. A remediation waste management site is not a facility that is subject to corrective action under § 264.101, but is subject to corrective action requirements if the site is located in such a facility.

"Replacement Unit" means a landfill, surface impoundment, or waste pile unit (1) from which all or substantially all of the waste is removed, and (2) that is subsequently reused to treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. "Replacement unit" does not apply to a unit from which waste is removed during closure, if the subsequent reuse solely involves the disposal of waste from that unit and other closing units or corrective action areas at the facility, in accordance with an approved closure plan or EPA or State approved corrective action.

"Representative sample" means a sample of a universe or whole (e.g., waste pile, lagoon, ground water) which can be expected to exhibit the average properties of the universe or whole.

"Run-off" means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land from any part of a facility.

"Run-on" means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land onto any part of a facility.

"Saturated zone" or "zone of saturation" means that part of the earth's crust in which all voids are filled with water.

"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, or his duly authorized designee.

"Sludge" means any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, stormwater management unit, or air pollution control facility not including the treated effluent from a water treatment plant or stormwater management unit.

"Sludge dryer" means any enclosed thermal treatment device that is used to dehydrate sludge and that has a maximum total thermal input, excluding the heating value of the sludge itself, of 2,500 Btu/lb of sludge treated on a wet-weight basis.

"Small Quantity Generator" means a generator who generates the following amounts in a calendar month:

(1) Greater than 100 kilograms (=220 pounds) but less than 1,000 kilograms (=2,200 pounds) of non-acute hazardous waste; and

(2) Less than or equal to 1 kilogram (=2.2 pounds) of acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations; and

(3) Less than or equal to 100 kilograms (=220 pounds) of any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of any acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations.

"Solid waste" means a solid waste as defined in § 261.2 of these regulations.

"Sorbent" means a material that is used to soak up free liquids by either adsorption or absorption, or both.

"Sorb" means to either adsorb or absorb, or both.

"Staging pile" means an accumulation of solid, non-flowing remediation waste (as defined in this section) that is not a containment building and that is used only during remedial operations for temporary storage at a facility. Staging piles must be designated by the Secretary according to the requirements of § 264.554.

"State" means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

"Storage" means the holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period, at the end of which the hazardous waste is treated, disposed of, or stored elsewhere.

"Sump" means any pit or reservoir that meets the definition of tank and those troughs/trenches connected to it that serve to collect hazardous waste for transport to hazardous waste storage, treatment, or disposal facilities; except that as used in the landfill, surface impoundment, and waste pile rules, "sump" means any lined pit or reservoir that serves to collect liquids drained from a leachate collection and removal system or leak detection system for subsequent removal from the system.

"Surface impoundment" or"impoundment" means a facility or part of a facility which is a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or wastes containing free liquids, and which is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storage, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.

"Tank" means a stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of hazardous waste which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support.

"Tank system" means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.

"TEQ" means toxicity equivalence, the international method of relating the toxicity of various dioxin/furan congeners to the toxicity of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.

"Thermal treatment" means the treatment of hazardous waste in a device which uses elevated temperatures as the primary means to change the chemical, physical, or biological character or composition of the hazardous waste. Examples of thermal treatment processes are incineration, molten salt, pyrolysis, calcination, wet air oxidation, and microwave discharge. (See also "incinerator" and "open burning".)

"Thermostat" means a temperature control device that contains metallic mercury in an ampule attached to a bimetal sensing element, and mercury-containing ampules that have been removed from these temperature control devices in compliance with the requirements of 273.13(c)(2) or 273.33(c)(2).

"Totally enclosed treatment facility" means a facility for the treatment of hazardous waste which is directly connected to an industrial production process and which is constructed and operated in a manner which prevents the release of any hazardous waste or any constituent thereof into the environment during treatment. An example is a pipe in which waste acid is neutralized.

"Transfer facility" means any transportation related facility including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas and other similar areas where shipments of hazardous waste are held during the normal course of transportation.

"Transport vehicle" means a motor vehicle or rail car used for the transportation of cargo by any mode. Each cargo-carrying body (trailer, railroad freight car, etc.) is a separate transport vehicle.

"Transportation" means the movement of hazardous waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

"Transporter" means a person engaged in the offsite transportation of hazardous waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

"Treatability Study" means a study in which a hazardous waste is subjected to a treatment process to determine:

(1) Whether the waste is amenable to the treatment process,

(2) What pretreatment (if any) is required,

(3) The optimal process conditions needed to achieve the desired treatment,

(4) The efficiency of a treatment process for a specific waste or wastes, or

(5) The characteristics and volumes of residuals from a particular treatment process. Also included in this definition for the purpose of the § 261.4(e) and (f) exemptions are liner compatibility, corrosion, and other material compatibility studies and toxicological and health effects studies.

A "treatability study" is not a means to commercially treat or dispose of hazardous waste.

"Treatment" means any method, technique, or process, including neutralization, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize such waste, or so as to recover energy or material resources from the waste, or so as to render such waste non-hazardous, or less hazardous; safer to transport, store, or dispose of; or amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume.

"Treatment Zone" means a soil area of the unsaturated zone of a land treatment unit within which hazardous constituents are degraded, transformed, or immobilized.

"Underground injection" means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a bored, drilled or driven well; or through a dug well, where the depth of the dug well is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See also "injection well".)

"Underground tank" means a device meeting the definition of "tank" in § 260.10 whose entire surface area is totally below the surface of and covered by the ground.

"Unfit-for-use tank system" means a tank system that has been determined through an integrity assessment or other inspection to be no longer capable of storing or treating hazardous waste without posing a threat of release of hazardous waste to the environment.

"Universal Waste" means any of the following hazardous wastes that are managed under the universal waste requirements of Part 273 of these regulations:

(1) Batteries as described in § 273.2 of these regulations;

(2) Pesticides as described in § 273.3 of these regulations;

(3) Mercury-containing equipment as described in § 273.4 of these regulations;

(4) Lamps as described § 273.5 of these of these regulations; and

(5) Aerosol cans as described in § 273.6 of these regulations.

"Universal Waste Handler":

(1) Means:

(i) A generator (as defined in this section) of universal waste; or

(ii) The owner or operator of a facility, including all contiguous property, that receives universal waste from other universal waste handlers, accumulates universal waste, and sends universal waste to another universal waste handler, to a destination facility, or to a foreign destination.

(2) Does not mean:

(i) A person who treats (except under the provisions of § 273.13(a) or (c), or § 273.33(a) or (c)), disposes of, or recycles (except under the provisions of § 273.13(e) or § 273.33(e)) universal waste; or

(ii) A person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water, including a universal waste transfer facility.

"Universal Waste Transporter" means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

"Unsaturated zone" or "zone of aeration" means the zone between the land surface and the water table.

"United States" means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

"Uppermost aquifer" means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.

"Used oil" means any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil, that has been used and as a result of such use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.

"User of the electronic manifest system" means a hazardous waste generator, a hazardous waste transporter, an owner or operator of a hazardous waste treatment, storage, recycling, or disposal facility, or any other person that:

(1) Is required to use a manifest to comply with:

i. Any federal or state requirement to track the shipment, transportation, and receipt of hazardous waste or other waste material that is shipped from the site of generation to an off-site designated facility for treatment, storage, recycling, or disposal; or

ii. Any federal or state requirement to track the shipment, transportation, and receipt of rejected waste or regulated container residues that are shipped from a designated facility to an alternative facility, or returned to the generator; and

(2) Elects to use the system to obtain, complete and transmit an electronic manifest format supplied by the EPA electronic manifest system, or

(3) Elects to use the paper manifest form and submits to the system for data processing purposes a paper copy of the manifest (or data from such a paper copy), in accordance with § 264.71(a)(2)(v) or § 265.71(a)(2)(v) of these regulations. These paper copies are submitted for data exchange purposes only and are not the official copies of record for legal purposes.

"Very small quantity generator" means a generator who generates less than or equal to the following amounts in a calendar month:

(1) 100 kilograms (=220 pounds) of non-acute hazardous waste; and

(2) 1 kilogram (=2.2 pounds) of acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations; and

(3) 100 kilograms (=220 pounds) of any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of any acute hazardous waste listed in § 261.31 or § 261.33(e) of these regulations.

"Vessel" includes every description of watercraft, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water.

"Wastewater treatment unit" means a device which:

(1) Is part of a wastewater treatment facility which is subject to regulations under either § 402 or §307(b) of the Clean Water Act; and

(2) Receives and treats or stores an influent wastewater which is a hazardous waste as defined in § 261.3 of these regulations, or generates and accumulates a wastewater treatment sludge which is a hazardous waste as defined in § 261.3 of these regulations, or treats or stores a wastewater treatment sludge which is a hazardous waste as defined in § 261.3 of these regulations; and

(3) Meets the definition of tank or tank system in § 260.10 of these regulations.

"Water (bulk shipment)" means the bulk transportation of hazardous waste which is loaded or carried on board a vessel without containers or labels.

"Well" means any shaft or pit dug or bored into the earth, generally of a cylindrical form, and often walled with bricks or tubing to prevent the earth from caving in.

"Well injection": (See "Underground injection".)

"Zone of engineering control" means an area under the control of the owner/operator that, upon detection of a hazardous waste release, can be readily cleaned up prior to the release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents to ground water or surface water.

(Amended November 21, 1985, August 29, 1988; August 10, 1990; June 19, 1992; November 19, 1993; July 26, 1994, August 1, 1995, July 23, 1996, August 21, 1997, January 1, 1999, June 2, 2000, April 23, 2001, February 12, 2004, August 21, 2006)

7 Del. Admin. Code § 1302-260-B-260.10

12 DE Reg. 808 (12/01/08)
15 DE Reg. 862 (12/01/11)
18 DE Reg. 896 (5/1/2015)
22 DE Reg. 678 (2/1/2019)
24 DE Reg. 711 (1/1/2021) (final)