Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 2105-7.0 - Evaluation Budgeting and Budget Management7.1 For any given program cycle, the EEAC will review evaluation budgets proposed by the PAs to ensure funding is at a level sufficient to cover EM&V.7.2 The EEAC shall consider the following when approving the proposed EM&V Plans and when recommending EM&V activities:7.2.1 Programs that are expected to save more energy (in both the near-term and over their measure lifetimes) or have high demand reduction impacts should have evaluation approaches that are more rigorous than those that are expected to save less energy.7.2.2 Programs that represent larger portions of the portfolio budget should have a level of evaluation rigor that matches the importance of the program's total financial investment.7.2.3 Measures that have a high risk around the accuracy of the savings should have a high level of evaluation rigor, thus reducing the level of uncertainty around the energy saving estimates of that program and for the portfolio.7.2.4 Field measurement and verification efforts should focus on the programs of the portfolio that have the greatest risk of lowering the reliability of the total impact estimates.7.2.5 Sampling approaches, sample-size targets, and confidence limits should provide the highest level of accuracy achievable balanced with the available resources. Large programs and programs that are important for reaching energy saving targets should have sampling approaches that reflect that importance. Low impact or smaller programs may have lower precision and confidence levels.7.2.6 Budgets devoted to process evaluations should consider the likely opportunities to identify program improvements, the current success of the program in terms of participation and overall program implementation, and the likely duration of the program effort.7.2.7 Where possible, evaluation activities should support the ability of the PAs to meet the EM&V requirements for participation in relevant and applicable energy and capacity markets, such as the PJM RPM capacity market.7 Del. Admin. Code § 2105-7.0
22 DE Reg. 514 (12/1/2018) (Final)