In the event that the Department provides such monitoring and analytical services for the owner or operator, the Department may recover the cost of such environmental monitoring activities as a fee or fees for any construction or operation permit issued to the owner or operator by the Department.
When more than one bulk transfer operation is permitted to transfer the same solid material within the limits of Big Stone Anchorage, the amortized cost of environmental monitoring equipment and the annual cost of maintenance, operation and laboratory analysis accrued to the Department shall be shared equally by the owners of the bulk transfer operations. Whenever the owner or operator of the transfer facility accepts responsibility for monitoring and analysis activities as required by the department, the owner or operator shall be responsible for determining the shared costs.
The provisions of 2.4 of this regulation shall be applicable only to the transfer of bulk solid materials. Bulk solid material is defined as any solid material which is unpackaged.
7 Del. Admin. Code § 1117-2.0